The reception

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Chapter 91

The bridal party danced their way in. Guests on the six levels of the circular built barn clapped as they entered one by one taking a seat. Ladies and Gentelman I present Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Hollings! Clarence walked in carrying Gabriel in his arms. He put her down in the middle of the dance floor. The waltz played the lights dimmed a spot light shined bright on them. Sky drone cameras video recorded following them on the dance floor. Clarence levitated her then put her down. He'd raise her higher and danced her down as if there were invisible stairs in the air. Everyone was impressed at how eloquent they danced. How light they were on their feet as they waltzed literally on air. Clarence took them to the 6th level waltzing around the circle for the guests to see. Then the 5th working his way back to the main floor. Everyone got a chance to see them up close waving Gabriel smiled at guests she hadn't seen in ages.

After fifteen minutes the waltz ended. Salutation clapping was thunderous under the dome. Gabriel curtsied as Clarence bowed. They were escorted to a stage with two gold Thrones drenched in real diamonds. They were ornately beautiful. Halo sat next to her mother and Niarchos sat next to Clarence. Halo tea please baby. What's wrong mommy? Stomach hurts. She's hungry for blood Clarence sent Halo a telepathic message. What about a flute of papa's blood? Okay baby.

The gifts tables were very full there was no more space. It would take years to open so many gifts. Gabriel looked around at everything and everyone and was over whelmed with love of what her life life turned out. When she was dying in Queens. If someone told her she would me let a 200 year old vampire marry him and have ten children with him she would jabe thought they needed to be committed.

God looked down and blessed her and as long as she lived she would continue to bless others. Food blood raw meat fish drink was served all night long people began to push food away they were so full. Everyone danced on the ballroom floor. How do you like it papa? It's my gift to you. I love it Niarchos you designed it? Yes Papa. I would have never thought of a round barn of course it can hold more people.

The see through smoked glass balconies and crystal stairs. I loved the Rick water fall wall and the coi pond. I love you incorporated nature within the design. Guess what? Humm? The dome opens papa if we were not expecting rain I would have it open. Thank you. I'm thinking we can rent it.out to vampires and lycans for special occasions. What no humans? Clarence gave his son a dirty look making him laugh. No I don't want them on the property that way now or never. Yes pop. The music stopped everyone clapped.

Papa Nate was on the mic usually at a vampire wedding at this time we would bring out the sacrifices to honor the vampire's to drink from the vein, but since Clarence said no to that part--

Vampires booed playfully making him laugh we are going to move on. The pardons. The double doors opened Baby Nate escorted a huge vampire in adorned in chains. Vampire women sat to attention at his sexiness. Guards lined up in front of rhe stage guarding the king and queen. Step aside Gabriel said the guards clearing the way.

Jackie and Hunter stopped him from walking. Great ones may Hunter and I approach? Yes Gabriel answered as Clarence sipped his 10th cup of mixed blood type tox from Marcus bartender vampire. He reached in his coat taking one of Joseph's pills. Pop what is that? Niarchos asked mentally. Are you drunk yet? Yes pop you've been handing me drinks all night.

He gave Niarchos two because of his size. Under the tounge. In ten minutes Niarchos stared at Clarence with dollar signs in his eyes. A now tipsy Clarence shook his head no as in no I'm not sharing the profits. Yes you are pop they went back and forth arguing mentally. Gabriel nudged Clarence. Sorry. Everyone laughed seeing he was tipsy. Forgive my husband he is enjoying our wedding a little too much. Everyone laughed.

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