Let Me Call You Sweetheart

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Chapter 45

Mercy walked in with Clarence holding his hand. Wowwwww this is pretty look at all the portraits papa. Look Garvey and Seven. She put every ones photos up.

So she won't forget Mercy informed Clarence. There was a Door they knocked. Who is it? They were now In Queens at her tiny house. Mercy ma'am. Mercy? Yes ma'am. Coming. Gabriel opened the door what it is he doing here? Look Gabriel pointed out the window to Clarence mowing the lawn.

This man is a liar I don't want him here. May we come in please? Gabriel moved aside with her arms crossed they followed her to the kitchen while the loud lawn mower hummed out back. Cookies? Sure. Umm thank you ma'am. She failed to offer Clarence any how is Hayden?

That red eyed demon broke his arm if I ever see him I am going to poke those wicked eyes clean out his head. Only demons have those colored eyes Gabriel whispered to Mercy like it was true.

Is that your son? No! My precious boy Malcolm would never harm his nephew that thing was an imposter I am sure of it. I have been through a lot Mercy and I know one of them demons when I see one and that was defiantly one.

Of course ma'am. Well why won't you come home out the door to check on Hayden ma'am? Tired. Of? Gabriel looked up life. Clarence was shocked he had no idea her depression was creeping back in. Why? It has been a lot and I want a break or I will break. She sat in her kitchen crying. It will be okay Mercy scooted her chair next to Gabriel holding her. You are Seven's wife right? Not wife friend. You in the big house child? Yes ma'am. Gabriel blew her nose you're his wife you don't realize it yet.

Seven is a good boy my grandson wants a true love like he thinks I have he is a hopeless romantic you know? Mercy...love him he deserves it. Yes he does Mercy grinned shyly. Can you come back with me help me get to the alter?

Hehe honey you are already 90 percent there. You have Marcus' blessing and mine Gabriel brushed Mercy's nose with the tip of her finger making Mercy giggle hell child all you're missing is his approval pointing at Clarence.

She has it Clarence added. Mercy giggled that was fast guys. Vampires move fast Clarence added but we can slow down. No sir I am fine.

Gabriel was gone Mercy and Clarence sat in the warm kitchen alone. Mercy and Clarence heard laughing upstairs. They went looking in the bedroom door. The loving couple Clarence and Gabriel were looking at I love Lucy laughing hard cuddling. Gabriel was sick it was August and she was wrapped in a blanket with her hair covered.

Gabriel was dying Clarence told Mercy. I can see papa but she was so happy and you are the one doing it. I see Clarence stared at the old loving memory. Mercy held his hand feel that? What is that Clarence felt elated? Her love. Clarence closed his eyes I haven't felt that from her since before the children were born.

He laughed with Mercy feels good huh papa? Yes young lady. Look how you all were laughing no kids just---

Us Clarence finished her thought. Gabriel was behind Clarence and Mercy in the hall. Just us Clarence Gabriel's sight glued to the memory she was now in his left. I'd rather stay in this moment feeling what I am now then to not get back what we---

Lost Sugar. Yes Clarence very lost can't you feel it? The chemistry look at us we hadn't had sex almost a year passed. I recall you thought I was homosexual making her laugh at the word he used instead of gay.

Yeah well look how sexy I made myself for you despite cancer. Clarence entered the room into the memory staring at her grinning he sat on top of the faded memory of his former self holding his arms out to Gabriel in the hallway. She entered sitting on the shadow of her former self.

Clarence held her singing let me call you sweetheart making her giggle he only sang that when he knew she was terribly vexed and he used the melody to calm her. I haven't heard you sing that in years to me daddy warbucks. He began low......

Let me call you sweetheart
I'm in love with you
Let me hear you whisper
That you love me too

Keep the love light glowing
In your eyes so true
Let me call you sweetheart
I'm in love with you

Keep the love light glowing
In your eyes so true
Let me call you sweetheart
I'm in love with you.

Gabriel hummed with him Malcolm ran over to his humming mother. Evan smiled go get her white man he thought to himself.

He kissed Gabriel stopping mid song negotiate with me great Queen we see David and Ember fire to 18. We make sure Niarchos makes it through therapy in one piece. She giggled as he wiped her tears Malcolm saw tears fall outside her head then disappear. I will grant you your ten years.

After the wedding we do six months then return from voyage home stay a year and a half then we are gone.

Sweetheart we shall jet set through dimensions come home a year and a half then we are gone 10 long years of us and us alone. I promise you as a man I give my solemn word love of my life. Gabriel looked up at him nodding yes as he kissed her tears away wiping them with his thumb. I love you Gabriel Gail more then anyone including our children you know this right?

I do now Clarence.

Mema? She is talking Daddy. Ember rushed over with Thoth Mercy watched from the doorway of Gabriel's mind as they reconciled soaking up the love they felt basking in the warmth of thier love.

Clarence swept her messy hair from her face continuing his song to her.

Keep the love light glowing in your eyes so true. Let me call you sweetheart I'm in love with you---

YOUUUUUU......Gabriel and Clarence sang together kissing holding each other tight.

Gabriel opened her eyes now back in Micah's house to Clarence standing over her finishing the song with her and Mercy behind him. She sat up hugging him tight crying.

Clarence waved his hand everyone exited as Hayden showed the seers his broken arm they were amazed it broke in real time even though Malcolm broke it in Gabriel's mind giving the wedding couple much needed privacy.

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