Smack Down

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Chapter 30

One Day Prior Barrios Georgia.

Angel wake up. Chantel knocked on the wall because he was in the bed crypt.  The bed rose out the floor the bullet proof glass globed cover slipped back. Good morning baby. Chantel bent down kissing him. What's wrong Angel yawned. Why does something have to be wrong?

Angel pat the bed laying back on the coast to coast custom bed Chantel cuddled close. What? He said low yawning his concern. She passed it to him. Angel smiled are we happy? If we did not have grandbabies yes. Asher is about to be a dad this is his time Angel not mine. What did you tell mama when she was upset about being pregnant with Ember and David? I told her who cares what people think or say.

I know we are fifty Chantel but a baby is a blessing what of this one is 100% she-wolf? One you can train to take over the store? Sparkle wants the store Angel. Sparkle can't have the store baby the store come with running the community a staple here. It has been that way since Alijawan gifted it to mama Lozelle and it was that way when she named you her replacement. The person who gets the store has to live here like we do be our eyes and ears.

Be a staple in the community as we are. This is the first wolf pack in Niarchos' one million packs and counting. There are so many lone wolves at Lycan Manor they are getting to know one another forming their own little packs. That is good Angel. Yes it is baby leaves less work for us to place them.  We are the royalty when he is not here we answer to Nick when shit goes left.

You and Fi hold court issuing tickets and helping the community when things go wrong. This person must be present Chantel how can Sparkle be Supreme Fae when Anya passes her the crown and Mermaid Regent of the Atlantic ocean as Caspian's Queen?

Those are major leadership rolls she has two boys now Heir and North neither can lead not even the store. A boy can lead in the store Angel. He chuckled tell that to the she-wolves around here. Chantel giggled. I guess you are right bae. Have the baby if you want tie your tubes like mama did. Chantel nodded yes. Angel kissed her stomach Imma be a daddy again yall! Wolves began howling on the streets.

Las Vegas Under Ground Vampire  Fight Pit.

Diva ran out of bullets and clips. She used the three clips Gabriel had in her purse and the one in her gun. She pushed the beloved weapon in her waistline. A vampire charged her Diva picked up a folding chair busting his head open flipping him off the balcony. She kept swinging that folding chair until a leg broke loose. Diva pushed the leg through vampire hearts staking them as they threatened her life. Khallah Saintina screamed upset.  Calm down brother as big Khallah sat on the phone with him from London.

Diva dropped the bloody stick standing on a folding chair kicking vampires off the balcony impaling them with Gabriel's stiletto heel. Gabriel was in the dome biting noses, ears and fingers off spitting them on the sand. Chance tore heads clean off while Clarence levitated vampires up draining them tossing them to the sand for Myles to rip apart with two lycan guards in wolf form.a.

Niarchos lifted vampires feeding before he tore their torsos in three's slamming the parts so hard they stuck to the domes inner walls. Vampires who were afraid stayed on thier faces under the chairs as hundreds of blood rivers flowed toward them on the floors.  Screams turned into muffled cries as hiding vampires covered thier mouths praying Clarence did not come for them.

Gabriel crawled on the inner metal dome walls her hair soaked with blood as well as her dripping with blood sequin dress blood splattering on everyone below her. She glared at Niarchos crouching to the sand running across to him in She-wolf speed and formation. She hopped up out the bloody sand  frog style in one powerful legal latching herself to his slippery body slapping him  biting his neck improperly not caring what vein she nicked He held out his hands doing nothing as the world watched his Queen openly attack and beat her Alpha werewolf Elder Vampire husband out of fear. AHHHHHHH! the dome shook at her ear piercing scream causing young vampire ear drums to break.

WHY?! WHY?....WHY NOW NIARCHOS!? Gabriel never called her husband Niarchos unless she was extremely angry or upset. Gabriel was shaking filled with a cocktail of adrenaline mixed with uninterrupted fear. She stared up at a blood stained Diva who remained silent her hands shaking mentally thanking God she survived the dubious attack. Unlock it Clarence!

He released his magic dropping the guard surrounding the dark dome of death. Six young vampire guards DEAD! What will you tell their families Niarchos?! Caine GET HERE NOW she commanded in the camera!  TURN THE FUCKING Camera's OFF NOW! Clarence picked up a crying trembling Gabriel on his slippery back. He whispered a transport incantation the couple disappeared into thin air.

Chance stared at Nick was it for the money nigga? You broke? Myles and Diva broke out laughing with the camera men who were still rolling even though the Queen said cut it so their families could see they were okay vampires and lycans tossed up laughing faces a American vampires held their breaths not knowing if what they saw was real or staged. Chance grabbed the ring master take him and grab our dead so we can take them home.

Georgia Delton's House.......

Delton shook his head I told you Halo he be doing to much. I never liked him for her anyway the Pharaoh is the type of man I want for my daughter period!

I told ya mama why the hell she marry a damn lawman anyway they are nothing but trouble Raphael she know that growing up with them crooked ass NYPD! Raphael chuckled because Delton had no idea he was a heavenly lawman. Grandpa Delton you don't like Uncle Nick? Hell no! Chance either they locked me under the jail! But grandpa you were wrong. Okay Halo but 90 years?! She smiled thank God for my grandbaby Malcolm fixing all the damage you're demon of a great grandfather inflicted on me I will tell ya that!

She don't need that nigga the pharaoh is all she needs and when I see her imma tell her t to leave his goofy ass! Got me cussing in front my grandbaby. Calm down grandpa Halo poured a tox shot for him. Thank you baby did you see your room? Yes grandpa thank you. Yall all have rooms. Halo smiled that he finally had his own house. Marcus have a room? Next to mine that's my boss of course. They chuckled at boss knowing damn well it was because he was his favorite grandson.

Where are we? Gabriel stared at Clarence holding him in tears.  Gullah islands the cabin it's up here sugar.  Clarence carried a shaky Gabriel through the woods on bis back. Look at me I am am a bloody mess literally.  She silent cried resting her head on his back. What was he thinking Clarence? Her nose clogged from crying Clarence remained silent because he had no answer for his bride but he was going to find out.

Did he want to die? Some vampires start doing reckless things because they want to die and they don't know how to say it.

There were vampires who had ceremonies where they walked in the light purposely family waving goodbye. They call it a vampire uprising oddly enough.

Clarence wiped his eyes thinking the worse that his precious son wanted to end his own life.

Alpha Niarchos.....

Alpha Niarchos

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