See You At The Church

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Chapter 82

One Day Before the Wedding The Big House Morning....

Gabriel woke in bed alone for the first time in 10 decades. Either she slept with Clarence Niarchos one of the kids and now the grandkids. There was a knock on her door without her saying come in Sparkle entered dressed to depart. Gabriel sat up why are you wearing mermaid royal garb? Gabriel was upset. Sparkle walked to her bed with her mink coat on Raven gifted her at 17. She sat next to her grandmother. I can't stay Grammy. I am so angry with Papa not trusting me if he did not make a big ordeal, I would have been an old earth on this day Grammy.

Sparkle, what do we know? We know Malcolm taught you raise the roots to save your life not pass a test. I asked he says he was very clear with you, baby. I love you,  I do but you have always walked to the beat of your own drum. You've always said yes when we all have said no. I have a question, how will you be an Earth and not be able to take instructions? Once an Earth, I would no longer need it Grammy. Gabriel reached Clarence's side table she pulled a thick book from the bottom drawer. She lay it on Sparkles lap. The day your papa found out what Mama Lozelle did, he purchased this book. He would write in it every day various times a day open it. Sparkle opened it amazed at what she saw what is that Sparkle? Papa's..spells..

Everything, fifty years worth of trial and error. Going over what he did wrong and right with Chantel and then the earth's. Caulderon Magix his own blend of both the first of his kind to combine Earth and caulderon magic creating his own spells and poltices. Sparkle wiped her eyes. Sparkle baby I don't know much about magic but I do know Mama lozelle told me it can kill you in a whip and you would never know you were dead. Magic is not to be toyed with or taken lightly.

You were in the wood by your own admission the trees had attitudes are you 100% sure they would have allowed you to control thier connected roots without killing you or someone you loved just to prove a point?

No Grammy. No your papa was sparing you from accidently harming someone and having to live your whole life with that on you. That is a hard fruit to swallow killing an innocent. What would he tell Angel and Chantel if the roots strangled you? It was an accident?

Think child! If you want to leave then go I won't stop you but look. Gabriel turned on her TV the road to the vampire church was already filled with people that had been sleeping there all week. Myles was outside speaking to little girls. Who do you want see tomorrow he asked a five year old. The princess with fairy wings and a mermaid husband. The girls all had on fake fairy wings. They ran in circles pretending to fly. Sparkle wiped her eyes. You and Caspian will be letting little black girls down around the nation they never saw a fairy or wings and they have defiantly never met a mermaid king or prince. I wasn't supposed to tell you but for a year Caspian had a special carriage designed for you three with odd sea shells and gems placed on the carriage cab it is beautiful Sparkle. I have never seen anything like it. Papa said everyone has to decorate their own carriage to represent them on the wedding road from the house. Sparkle laughed lord I can't wait to see Uncle Marcus.

Haha we all want to see that they laughed. Please don't go baby for ya Grammy. You will have another chance at being an Earth you are still young one will pass and you will have your shot this time do not blow it yeah? Yes Grammy. I heard you rocked it boo. I did you should have saw me wrestle the winds Grammy. Yeah papa took me in his memories and showed me all of it you and Chantel I was so proud of you baby. Thank you Grammy I love you. Love you more.

Gabriel called Clarence you liked my little performance? They added a pole in the grotto in the middle of the water and one in our hidden bedroom behind the wall. You nasty Clarence. If I wasn't we would not have all these kids running loose. Hehe. You ready to be my bride again woman? Ready as I'm gonna be daddy warbucks.

See you at the church Sugar Clarence stared up at her window.

See you at the church handsome Gabriel stared at the window from her bedside.

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