Wedding Cake Tasting

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Chapter 9

83 Day's to the wedding of the century. 

Angel where are you? Oh yes you can taste now because this is a vampire confectionery. Yes and it smells devine in here Halo and I are waiting for you. Angel...Angel...I don't want to hear what you have to say because you were blind once your taste buds are sharper now then before. So what bring Chantel if you want when do you ask to bring my bestie anyways? No I am not a bridezilla and you have to be the bride to be the zilla silly Fi laughed. I won't get snappy Angel I promise and teleport here cause you are late please she whispered the teleport part. Across from Cecil's just teleport to Cecil's. Yes it is open haha he knows you teleport daddy told him.

Okay hurry up. Halo was looking at cake designs how many tiers Fi? Halo rocked Harper kissing his cheek on her shoulder while Sebastian slept in the stroller Fi pushed. Im thinking five or six? We need three cakes Halo. Three? Halo? Have you been to one of our vampire events? Not yet. Okay Fi opened her phone to Angels vampire school opening party in the barrios. Jesus. Yeah and half of them were not invited they laughed. At our sweet 16 there were 1000 cars on the property and 200 horse and carriages. The cars kept coming I don't want to talk about when mama had her engagement party i wasn't there but daddy said it was standing room only. Where are we having the reception Fi?

Gabriel's Fire the big house. But we set up tents out doors on the acres. Mama and papa will be in the main house though. Sounds overwhelming. Fi stopped looking at cakes Halo that is what I've been saying all along i need you because you are older and mature don't you know Ember went to mama about the money drop? No way. Yep and mama said add it. Halo laughed. I said mama that's hood she said Fi I am from the hood. Halo laughed at Fi and her bougie way you know you are a rich snob Fi right? Fi chuckled I am not I am reasonable. Okay how much would you pay for a bra? I get them custom made they are lile $300 each but the are contoured to me. Wow Halo looked down at her breast. Do you think after all these kids I want sagging tits? I gotta stay sexy for Marcus and Bishop Halo. What about staying sexy for yourself Fi? That to she scoffed.

You know what I mean you stay good looking for Raphael right I mean him being a heavenly host and all i am sure he seen all kinds of humans in his day. Halo stopped in her tracks what? Damn Fi pulled her outside whispering low. I thought you knew sis I am sorry.

Knew what Fi? You know there is a Raphael in the bible that is mentioned right? Yes, mama and I read the bible at night most times together. Okay that man your dating is that Raphael. Halo held onto Fi's arm oh my god girl Fi took Harper from her you okay? As in angel in heaven Raphael Fi? Yes girl I thought you knew.

Why would he keep that from me? I mean you read the bible i remember mama saying they ain't supposed to be messing around with humans cause they make giants. When God found out what happened well he locked them up somewhere in heaven and they still there today it's in the bible Halo look it up.

Halo began to cry why are you crying? If i stay they may lock him up forever. You had sex yet? No Fi now I see why I thought he was waiting till we marry. He may be. Fi, how is a warrior angel going to marry a damn vampire? Fi grinned I know a way we can get a real answer. How? Ask lucifer.

Oh HELL NO Safinah! What!? He keeps calling Marcus just to talk Marcus keeps saying stop calling but he won't listen Marcus don't want to get crazy with him cause at the end of the day he is Lucifer you know? Yes. Fi dabbed her eyes stop before Angel gets here you know he will tell Malcolm everything and Malcolm will tell Raphael because that's his guardian Angel. It is? Yes Halo God assigned him because Raphael scared Malcolm when he was little God sort of punished Raphael for scaring a gifted seer by giving him charge over Malcolm's life. Wow. Yeah God is lile that or so I've heard i am praying this baby is Bishops.

You said you stop sleeping with Marcus. There was this once mabeeee? Haha does Bishop know? Yeah he knows. What did he say? He said oh well you can't get your tubes tied then. Haha Halo laughed aloud.

Not funny Halo. Angel showed with Chantel are we godparents to one of these also? I guess Fi shrugged not caring. Angel hugged Halo picking up Sebastian you are like Uncle right neutral stay that way it makes your life easier. Angel stared at Halo. Fi? Yeah Angel?

You in trouble.

They all chose what flavors they wanted. One whole cake was a tox blood whiskey cake as that was Clarence's favorite and the other a red velvet A positive blend with virgin blood cake tiers and baby blood cake tiers for Niarchos. Why is mama accommodating Nick Fi? Cause mama spoils her husbands any chance she gets and you know that.

Yall wedding gifts better be fire we are doing a children wedding gift presentation. My gift will outshine all of you Halo said assured. Fi and Angel chuckled what? They both said Marcus. Oh Halo grinned he always out does everyone else?

No, Marcus can give mama a box of dirt and she will show everyone what her son got he dug it with his own two hands Angel teased making Fi laugh.  Papa is worse with Chance and Malcolm. Nope yall ain't gossiping about my Old Earth.

Ain't gossip if it is so Telly Fi smiled at her.  I guess. Micah is a strong third Angel added. For both they said in sync. Then what about you Fi? Daddy's girl Chantel sing singed eating blood angel cake. So what she scoffed at her bestie of 35 years.

The Alpha said Fi this Fi that Fi Fi Fi. The barrios belongs to Fi. No it doesn't the barrios belongs to ALL wolves in our pack Chantel when the war was on who held the barrios down? I did and Sparkle. Who do the town people come to for help? Me. Who left that job to you? Mama Lozelle.

Okay then I only step in for legal matters mainly the town runs itself as it has been long before you or I were born. A modest Queen Chantel teased with Halo. Yeah whatever Fi giggled. Well you all better get gifts ready and make em good too cause Marcus is keeping quiet on this one.

Damn they said together laughing.

Vampire Uprising 13 The Wedding Of The Century You Are Cordially Invited.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن