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Chapter 8


The landline rang hello? Evan hi baby. Where da white man at? Downstairs having coffee with the president of Havana apparently he has a few turns here they come bearing gifts of land.

As turns should we bless them with immortality it is the least they can do. I agree she grinned her phone beeping Gabriel cut on her camera. What happened to your hair Evan she giggled your son paid a woman to dye it blond like a white man.  Thank god it will be back to normal in a few hours. Take pics I like it looks sexy in dark skin.  Bet you do Evan rubbing his hands through kinky blond hair. You see he made me let it grow the length it was when I was turned? I see it was long Evan. He turned around showing Gabriel long cornrows down his back. My papa was angry but the village women loved platting it for me. Gabriel laughed you had a plan huh? Yeah but Elani wouldn't braid it that be my first wife.  I know who Elani is why not? Said had to many women touching me she ain't like it I had ta stop or she turn away from me.

Hahaha good for her. Yeah I knowed you lile dat. When you back? Few weeks engagement party. For what? Who knows ya grandkids wasting money David too. Evan shook his head where is mama? Vegas wit chance where else she be? Mary know? If she don't she a fool how a vampire can't smell another woman on her man? True. Some womens and mens turn blind eyes like your mens do when we fool around he laughed. I don't know what you saying she sipped water looking left. You think that vinegar work on a old vampire like me? Yes. Hell no make it stronger but least you try. Gabriel laughed. I can tell when you ain't had none before you see me soon as you step off the plane and wind from your body pass ta me. Is that when your Dick stands up?

You knows Ole Evan so well ain't ya woman? What this mess i hear you going 10 year or so? She was quiet that be to long be without ta youngins woman and I tell da white man dat have Fia speak sense into him. What he thinking taking dey mama away ten year hence? Dey chicadees David don't like it prissy. David or Evan?

Evan was quiet sipping warm blood both. Gabriel grinned what 16 year old upset they parents leaving them be? I say when you getting back? Two weeks. Den what? The wedding which you are in cause Sofia is a matron with Fi you gotta walk her down the isle. Evan stared saying nothing. Don't do that.

Haha what Prissy? Connect your emotions to mine let me fee what you feel. Can da white man do it? Not yet. What you feel? Love and...loss like someone died. Haha no! Yes grief Evan it is a new skill perfect that shit before you use it on made me wanna cry negro. Sorry my prissy you forgive Ole Evan. Gabriel wiped her eyes yes I don't know who is worse you or Nicky.

Haha bye have fun look for me business. I will. Love ya prissy. Love you too where is David? Under da sea with Heir Harlem home now. Oh, okay tell him I said wrap it up mermaids get pregnant too and when they have babies in eight weeks there are dozens of them like fish eggs. Oh he been warned and I say you takin care every a one too.

Mwah. Evan winked his eye hanging up. Mama? Come Myles what's on today's schedule? A big surprise. Okay dress up or down? Down mama. Okay. Clarence entered what's all that? Land agreements old and new expanding the coffee fields had to sign to that and rises for the workers. Evan said he looking for opportunities. They had a lot of stuff I will have Hunter send it to him whatever he declines goes to Chance then Nick and down the line by date of turn then birth and tell them to include the younger sibs and females in whatever I send then to grandchildren by age yes sugar?. Yes dear.

Myles called get dressed down. They were dressed and in the Lobby it was day so only lycans were outside asking for selfies and hand shakes. The wolves kneeled before her asking a baby blessing which was Gabriel touching the crown of the childs head and she has to say. May the light of a our full moon cover and guide her. She said that for every child she could get to. Security stopped her from disappearing in the crowd. A mother wolf stopped her speaking in Spanish.

I am the oldest she-wolf in our pack. Are you the Alpha? Yes but i am dying soon and need to name a successor I know it is best that i put them under the protection of you and the Alpha Angel Baptiste. Gabriel held out her hand Diva passed her a pack sign up package she bent down to the old wolf whispering to her in Spanish. The wolf cried thank you great Lycan Queen. Gabriel kept walking to the limo. What did you say to her Sugar? She can Passover into the red moon knowing that the Alpha and I will love cherish and honor her pack as if she never left.

That was sweet sugar. Thank you baby. What language was that? Wolvmananov an ancient language passed down to Alpha's Queens and their offspring.   Wow who taught you? Khallah I forced him that woman was an Alphas child and she was old I took a shot hoping she understood she did. Gabriel sat her bakers dozen flowers down. Has Niarchos called you sugar? No, don't worry I will get on him later on.

The arrived oh no Gabriel grinned. What? Look she pointed as they set the cameras up. Clarence shook his head. The couple exited at they streamed live entering the tiny business vampires knelt in a diamond formation the elder vampire at the head. Great ones you bless this business with your presence and honor us with your choice to be here. Thank you vampires please rise.

Myles walked to Clarence with a mic and Diva to Gabriel in another room. Okay so you have to choose for the pharaoh. How? They are all beautiful and it will be gone by morning. No, it won't Diva pointing Gabriel staring with her jaw dropped how? Who knows? Gabriel giggled okay Ummm she walked this one. Nice choice.

Myles said the same to Clarence who shook his head you know how I feel about this Myles. Papa mama loves it. She was born during a different time son. The likes flew and laughing faces. Your vampire children are saying you are afraid. Who me? Yes. Clarence grinned saying nothing. Myles laughed loud. What's funny Myles? Someone said when you don't respond fear the consequence pop. They know me? More laughing faces went up.

Myles left the room with Diva to commentate as Gabriel as Clarence met again in a private room to talk. 

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