Engagement Itenerary

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Chapter 64

Gabriel was escorted once again to her throne situated next to Clarence who held her hand but spoke with Chance who whispered to him or Marcus depending on the nature of what he relayed. Niarchos stood on the floor in front of the stage Delton stood on tje opposite end in front of Marcus heavily armed. Marcus called his personal maid over she served the all of them on stage for the night and was personally assigned to get drinks and food from certain people only. She was instructed to poor onion powder in the blood if she was threatened she'd better poison them. 

Papa Nate was the MC as usual he stood on the stage calling everyone to attention. Everyone sat as maids fussed over the overflowing gift tables and Mama Vy began moving gifts to the spare room off the kitchen.

Gabriel stared at Evan thinking on how much she loved him. Evan stared back speaking telepathically. You look beautiful Ms. Prissy. You want me don't you? Badly you know dat be so how you fixin ta sneak off wit Ole Evan fo you leaves? She shook have head no I have no idea but I love that suit sexy negro. I knowed you would. Hum where is my engagement gift?

In my pants. Gabriel shifted on her throne Evan sharing images of them having sex with the feelings to boot. Stop. Okay prissy ise sorry sometimes Ole Evan don't play fair. No you don't she fanned with her hand making him laugh. Meet me in the Maze later Evan. What time woman? The time you smelly snatch walk that way on the night air. Ummmmmmm Evan low growled. Where is David? With the seven Prissy givin me hella trouble wantin ta train with Marcus instead of the oldest vampire in the world.

Hehe is Ole Evan jealous of his own grandson? Never woman.  Marcus is the most popular vampire in the world Evan vampire kids around the world are dying to train with him his baby brother does not want to miss out on bragging rights.

Have they forgotten Marcus trained with Ole Evan down in Lawless my town five years when my baby Fi was alleged dead? Who gave the boy his street cred prissy? Not the white man no sir! Gabriel giggled.  You are jealous of David being excited about Marcus' training.  Evan don't get jealous woman. If you say so Evan let David train with the seven plus Winter it will be good for him. That be ya wish prissy then I make it so. Thank you handsome. Oh no youse gonna make it up woman right in my coffin. Promise Everence? What you think? Gabriel smiled sipping shifting on her throne because of her throbbing clit.

Gabriel looked at Niarchos standing in front of the stage. He looked back calling the waiter. They came with a cup of hot tea no one looked at her strange like the first time she sipped tea at her engagement party.  The couple spoke telepathic. How did you know? It is nine o clock you always during tea at nine.. I love you Niarchos you wanna have a traditional Lycan wedding in five years? He grinned not turning back won't you be on holiday with pop still Ms. I demand 10 years?

My husbands strives to make me happy and if happy means come home then I will come home. I will think about it ma. If you say so fine ass negro. Niarchos chuckled maybe I'll take one of these vampires home to Lycan Manor have sex everyday you are gone. Gabriel reached in her purse keeping the gun hidden cocking the hammer on the snub nose 45. Hear that werewolf? Niarchos laughed out loud making people look. You wanna find out why they call.this a Saturday night special? I mean it is Saturday night Nicky. Haha. Don't play with my emotions. How about when pop lets me have a few days before the wedding we get a prisoner to drain while we fuck? Lycan or vampire? Human my wedding gift to you honey. Gabriel clapped Niarchos never looked back smiling.

Papa Nate announced on stage this engagement party will be different we won't present gifts from covens but our Queen will choose one item from the Pharaoh's portfolio and she will present him with her sole gift. Chatters and excitement cleared the air.

Queen Gabriel please....present your gift.  Blaise walked to the stage holding a silver platter grinning. Clarence sat on the edge of his throne excited opening the embossed envelope with Gabriela's wax seal personal signet. Marcus looked over his shoulder chuckling. What is it great one? Clarence held it up I have no idea of it's meaning however it is a Hall Pass? Every one inhaled sharp shocked Niarchos gave her a look of are you sure?

I am sorry my love I am an old. Vampire I am afraid new things sometimes escape me. What is this Sugar? Clarence lay it on the table between he and Marcus while his father's back was turned tried Marcus jokingly pocket the envelope. Nope! Safinah yelled aloud making everyone laugh with Kayla cosigning with a pronounced yes nod pointing at Fi. Niarchos? Clarence looked to his second turn foe answers.  How long is it for Great one? Two weeks Niarchos. Shocked murmurs blended with equal.heaps of gossip chit chat filled the air.

It means our vampire Queen gives you permission to be unfaithful for 14 days great vampire king. Clarence gave her a look of why? making everyone laugh. He closed the envelope Steven? He rushed up front kneeling yes Great one? Please rise ut this in my vault with the other documents I never use.  Steven smiled yes Great one. Clarence knelt before his wife I will never hurt you again even if you say it is okay Sugar thank you for the selfless gift.of love. She hugged him wiping her eyes thank you she sniffed as he pat her back.

Clarence sat hearing Marcus call to Steve. Steven...pbst...steven? Yes Prince Marcus? You have my vault code? He whispered All the vampires laughed at Marcus' comedic ways. Anya clapped smiling at Clarence who smiled back. Wasn't that romantic? Papa Nate grinned holding the Itinerary of the evening. 

Next our Queen will ask her husband of fifty years for anything from him or his many vast portfolios. The women were quiet at the scroll writers took dictation as to what she asked for.

Papa Nate? Yes my Queen? I would like the vampire king to put in writing on this night he will grant my 10 year holiday vacation request as we discussed. Clarence sipped his whiskey tox smiling under his glass. My love I gave you my word as a vampire and as your husband.

This is all I would need usually if the pharaoh were not so committed to the needs of his people. It is Prince Marcus' time to rule this guarantees and solidifies that our son shall rule the crown without his father's watchful eye so our king gets the much needed rest he deserves after 250 years of rule and mentorship. Great King do you grant this gift to your Queen? Yes papa Nate I do. Everyone clapped  the scroll writers watched Steven create the agreement in the presence of Hunter,  Jackie and Micah.

All three of them signed the scroll as Jackie and Micah represented Gabriel and Hunter Clarence with Steven a witness.  Seven leaned over to Mercy explaining what was going on. Now papa and mama will sign Mercy. They took the scroll to Gabriel what do you think Delton? He looked behind him shocked umm sign it I trust my son in law. Everyone chuckled as Gabriel signed on the line. They gave the scroll to Clarence who signed they gave him the gold thumb prick he pressed his blood print next to his signature binding the agreement in blood.

Everyone clapped Gabriel kissed him wiping her make up off his lips her crown slipping a little. Okay Papa Nate interrupted the clapping our Queen gonna get her way one way or another won't she? Everyone laughed I can say this she is correct. Since I have known our king his love for our people human or not has been unwavering and relentless.

From the day he rescued me and my children from the chains of bondage he continues his charitable work around the world. Claps filled the air. I will say this if anyone deserves a break being what my wife Annie and I have seen over the years it is our king.

Clarence waved whispering thank you knowing everyone heard him. Now without further edu the Queen states she is looking for someone to sing at the Royal wedding when she enters and when she exits. This must be the same person.  Tonight! Her children and grandchildren will compete for this spot!

The winner will be paid by the Pharaoh the desire of thier heart and a record deal with Pharaoh records or The Zay Hollings sound. If you look to the left of your blood glasses there is the list of who is singing and what. Murmurs blended with excitement filled the air. We have a live band and professional back up singers courtesy of our son and his wife Prince Isaiah Freeman- Hollings and Princess Dahlia Baptiste Freeman- Holling Joan's and I grandson. 
Sitting at Marcus' table they waved smiling as the spotlight was placed on them.

Alright now let's hear some good sangin!

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