Casting Out Old Demon's

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Chapter 35

Marcus sat up in bed his left leg in traction both arms in casts. FI! FI! he screamed from the basement knowing she was a she-wolf and his screaming hurt her ears FIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!. Safinah popped out of much her needed sleep it was almost 1 p.m. Hayden laughed dad why are you calling mema that way?

My back is itching and I want her to roll my weed and scratch my back with them nails I pay to get done every week since we were twelve.  I am in pain it is one o'clock why the hell is she still sleeping Hayden? I have a better question why were you paying for manicures and you were both children? Same reason why Malcolm buys all my clothes and I buy Angels clothes while ya Mema buys all our colognes and underwear. You four are weird as fuck dad. The thing is Hayden you do not ned to understand us we understand us. Yes Dad Hayden chuckled as his father defending his sibling relationships.

Dad mema has been caring for the twins alone. Why? Destiny does not have a job tell her I said take the twins three times a week Rose too I am paying mama wolf to be our nanny Fi is the first of all the women to get a nanny and have all these hands to help I don't want excuses about her raising your brothers. I see we don't need anymore kids she is tired of raising kids.

Hayden was quiet knowing his father was agitated because he was bed bound. Marcus hated being confined. Safinah walked in yawning with her hair a mess staring at Marcus what negro?

My back is itching and I need my weed Fi. Please Fi...she stayed still. Please Baby Fi.

I'm sorry your other wife is here why not scream her name? Is she too good to scratch your back great one? Hayden chuckled Marcus shot him a dirty look. Where is Mercy Fi? With Seven helping with the plantation slaves he is teaching her to ride a horse. Do they like each other? From what I see yes.

Marcus grinned oh a smile from the match maker where the hell is Kayla? Why Fi? Cause you have another wife nigga that's why Fi plopped down scratching her neck. Hayden leave please. Hayden exited gladly his father was to grumpy for his liking.

I will be back later dad. Bring my phone the paper the mail my lawyers sent over about the train yard Industrial deal tell Shiloah get down here with my real estate reports since he wanted to be  vice president of MGNH Holdings. Okay dad. What is wrong with you woman Marcus grabbed her hand Fi tried to get loose Marcus pulled her closer. You always get this way when you see Kayla Fi you have to make peace with it.

I made peace with Bishop after seeing my upset about his death in the future deep down Bishop is my friend and brother and I love him as that. You better never tell him I said so. Fi giggled shifting comfortably on the bed. I know we were wronged baby but we are here now. You will drive yourself crazy thinking about how Kayla and I Fuck.

Fi snatched her hand away Marcus grabbed her arm stop! She tried again to free herself he tightened his grip stop woman he mumbled. She stopped wiping her tears. Yes baby, it hurts I know how bad I go threw the same feelings, but Fi we are all we've got baby you and I it has always been us and always will be. You can't let our second marriages destroy the first destroy us Fi. He let her go opening his hand gently. It is time for us to heal as a couple and as a family clear the trunks of hurtful demons and situation.

I was in the future baby doll I saw my marriage to Kayla destroy us. What happened Marcus? You were infected with vampire nesting bad. I married Kayla you killed yourself on my wedding day right before my eyes you blew your own head off. Marcus wiped his eyes part of the reason I married her now was to keep a close eye on you so you would not do that.

Your brains were all over the ground it was daytime I couldn't go out Bishop came for you the scream that man let out Fi I will never forget. I was at your funeral I buried you on Hollings Hill where Rose's grave once was. Marcus shook his head I was never to tell you but I must. In another time Malcolm and I traveled to the future it would have been a beautiful visit based on what we saw until I arrived at the big house with Nick. My future self was home so Nick had to send him away so I could handle what it was we were therr to accomplish without me bumping into myself Fi. Is that how I became pregnant with the baby we lost? Yes bae I never told you the bad of it my future self came to me in tears. He said i needed to fix what I did wrong while I was there Fi he said we had not spoken in 35 years. Fi grabbed his hand dropping her jaw. He told me Bishop passed years ago and thought you would come home. He said you had not been to the big house, Lycan Manor, or Gabriel's fire whatever that is in 35 years. He said you never got over me marrying Kayla and the arguments got so bad you went to London with Uncle Justice and Bishop and never came home. Fi when I spoke with Lazarus he had an English accent that means you raised Lazarus apart from me Safinah. Fi wiped his eyes then hers one of my children was raised without me Safinah Rose do you have any idea what that did to me as a father? As a husband? As a man?

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