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Chapter 5

88 Days To The Wedding Of the Century.

Okay papa and mama we will pay all expenses to follow you for the 90 days to the wedding day. Full coverage as we take you around the nation to meet vampires from various cities in the united states. This wedding is all the rave on television and social media guys and I have to be the one to cover it an all exclusive to vampire lycan tv! Myles hopped up clapping jumping on the beat up couch in Clarence's office while Diva recorded the whole thing. How much are you paying us?

Papa I am paying the expenses involved with the road trip. That is nice what is the salary? Mama? Gabriel shrugged her shoulders you and Diva get $49.99 per video for me and Clarence and I saw $199.99 for Marcus' war videos EACH! I paid for a video showing Malcolm's talents $150.00! What? Myles why are you sharing with the world Malcolm's talents and you know we are trying to get him to be president?

Papa everyone knows from the war videos that leaked and it wasn't me. Hacker got like 90% but the 10% was out we used those skills to show that were leaked nothing more I swear. Nothing more! I still don't trust we are 100% done with the company. Some one cleared their throat. Gabriel looked up what are you doing in here Clara?

Marcus put me on cleaning the house. Cleaning the house my Queen Clarence corrected her. Cleaning the house my Queen she said mumbled.

Why? You are a field hand. We work inside by day outside by night brother. Do not call me that you killed my brother's thier names were Vaughn and Elijah. Umm humm Diva instigated looking at a snickering Gabriel.

I think you should go to Paris to visit the Dupree family line. Yes we were a rich royal family line in old Paris. She smiled in her Grey and white maid vampire uniform with the electronic collar on her neck waving the feather duster. Are you done Clara? Marcus Clarence called to him. Marcus entered three minutes later. Yes pop?

Clarence stared at Clara Marcus fixed his gaze on her she crouched down on her knees. He raised her up by her arm. What are you doing in here? Her maid hat now crooked on her head. I sent you to the dining room stay away from the pharaoh!

Marcus slapped her face you will not wiggle your way into his heart you were his SLAVE MASTER get that in ya thick skull! He plucked her scalp. Sorry pop.

My father does not want to see you! You are a trigger for him stay out of his sight am I clear? She was silent. Clara! Yes master. Good go dust the dining room and don't break anything or you will work five days straight around the clock. Go! She scuttled out of sight.

Sorry guys Marcus left them again fussing at her in the hall. Damn! Myles said making them all laugh. Yo that was crazy mama. Diva laughed so hard with Clarence they held onto one another. We are wrong for laughing Gabriel added i
t is not funny. They got serious then laughed again.

Myles yelled out YOU ARE A TRIGGER! Okay papa what do you want for payment you already own half the stations. Clarence grinned I want you to give Ember fire her own teenage Saturday dance video show. Wait that may work Diva said Saturday mornings lack viewings we can do a soul train with Ember as the host. I like it papa!

Pay her what you would pay ypur mother and I. Combined? Yes. Diva nodded yes. Have guests on her show like...Marcus who loves--

Dancing. Papa you are a genius! It is a deal papa. What is the first thing we ate gonna do? Leave that to us papa it is a surprise. Okay son.

Mama can we talk private? Sure baby they went on the rose solarium the roses stretched vines rubbing Gabriela cheeks dripping dying petals at her feet. Wow they love you and hate me. They hissed as Myles walked past making Gabriel laugh. What did you do? Cut one too soon they never forgot it I guess they heard it through the vine. Hahah that was cute.

What's up baby? Gabriel fussed over his locks you need to tighten these you look raggedy I don't like it. Okay mama. Mama why is Biblica not in the wedding party all the other wives are. Wives not girlfriends.

Seven's girl is in it mama. Oh no she is not I told Fi wives only besides who wants a slayer in the wedding? Former slayer now vampire demon slayer. Humm Gabriel pet a rose kissing it. You want her in marry her Myles you are 49 years old what are you waiting for? I am enjoying my life mama. She is a baron vampire kids won't hold you down.

She wants to adopt make up what she missed in Kayla. How when Kayla leaves sincere with her like 80% of the time while she is with Jojo? She is lucky Marcus allows that mess he is better then me leaving a vampires child with a slayer?! Tsk. My brother leaves my nephew with me mama not his grandma. That's better Gabriel grinned. Mama she spoils that boy rotten I have to say that's enough that is how bad it gets he tossed a tantrum she is on the floor sincere what can grandma for to please you?

What? Yes ma'am he has a nasty temper lile Marcus when we were kids. That prince vampire im the shit thing Marcus had going his boy is 10x worse. What did you do? Fan his little legs that's what. Hahah good! Sorry Uncle yeah I though so.

He tell Marcus? Yep. What did he say? What else why did you spank my son? I told him he said oh okay. Hahaha he knows we do not tolerate disrespect. On any level mama. Hahah that's my boy my strong wolf! She kissed his lips wiping off her gloss.

I will think about all you boys concubines finances girlfriends or whatever title y'all giving this week. Thank you mama! Ummm. Myles left running as the vines swiped thorns at him making Gabriel laugh.

Malcom walked in. Malcolm Gabriel yelled with her arms open the roses giggling as he passed making him smile. Hey mama. What are you doing here? I have to tell Destiny the truth about Victoria. Gabriel inhaled then exhaled you sure? Yes Mama because she hates her it is not right. I been told Victoria just tell the damn truth what is the big deal? Shit happens Malcolm.

Is Destiny in the mine keepers house? Yes baby oh and Marry is fighting the babies over the game again. Malcolm laughed I will speak with him again. Yes cause he broke that little china cat you got me in Japan. I glued it together but he is gonna be banned tell Cyrus. I will mama oh mama Myles said he emailed you and pops contracts. Already? He said you leave in two days. Oh okay I guess. Get ready mama you are about to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Gabriel smiled polishing her nails.

Go make your daughter and wife whole my second baby Mwahh. Yes ma'am.

Vampire Uprising 13 The Wedding Of The Century You Are Cordially Invited.Where stories live. Discover now