Mr & Mrs. Hollings

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Chapter 95

One Day Before....

Okay Fi 1 more push mother of vampire warriors! Safinah giggled. That's it! Marcus stood in the waiting area with them men handing out bottles of his new whiskey and champagne tox. He had his coveted bar keep make him three dozen bottles. Jake showed up with Egypt everyone gave him a hug because he and Candy left the reception before the money drop. Damn Jake laughed papa...he hugged Clarence who was happy another baby was coming. Bishop looked to Marcus nervously Marcus put his thumb up to Bishop who smiled. The teenaged gasped at his handsome looks and Marcus gave them a ice grill look of stop that. They giggled seeing the seriousness in his eyes.

Come on baby only a couple more pushes my love. Fi rested holding Bishops hand I want water Bishop. He went to give it Marcus tapped the glass shaking his head no. Marcus said no bae. Listen to me not him! Marcus gave Bishop a dirty look Dr can she have a cup of blood? Yes. How about a cold cup of blood bae. She smiled with ice Bishop please. He ran and came back with half frozen blood. She sat up chugging it down as fast as possible easy baby. Get another one Bishop. Zion nodded yes. Bishop got sad vampires again she wants so much blood.

He got a larger 20 ounce cup she finished half of it papa Clarences blood I know it makes you feel better and gives you comfort when you're sick baby. Fi smiled that he remembered she shared that with him. The blood has memories attached that I can see now. Really? Zion looked up when you drink blood you can see memories of the donor Fi? Yes, Uncle. For how long? A year or so. A new skill does Clarence know? Nah it's not grandiose or special like the boys have Uncle. Okay Fi gimme a big one!

Bishop held her back up and her hand come on baby...unnnnhhhhh! Gabriel sat in the corner of the room watching Mama? I'm here baby. Grandma? Yes Fi I'm here I see the baby head you know what dey is? No grandma.

Okay Fi....last one! Unhhhhhh....AHHHYEEEE! OKAY! I GOT IT! Sofia grabbed the baby rinsing it off. The baby screamed crying loud Marcus was praying making his kids laugh at him. Dad you praying the baby is yours? Yes, Seth. Why dad? Same reason I prayed and was happy when God saw fit to give you to me so be quiet when you see me praying have some respect. Sorry dad.

Marcus gave him a look making Ember laugh. Markie you Fi and Bishop are too old to keep having babies. Marcus looked at his baby sister sitting on his lap then who's turn is it to keep the bloodline going you and Thoth?

Ewww no! See all.that blood Fi is a shero can't be me right Winter? Right I need to be a doctor that's what daddy said. You do what you want Winter just like I allowed Hayden to do. Hayden scoffed Marcus stared what? I was forced into college by all of you papa included.

Then when I graduated, I was forced into a masters degree. Dad, the triplets got Batchelor degrees, then went to travel, not Hayden.

Nope, Destiny chimed in snacking on cherries with him cosigning and instigating. Sparkle? Yes, Uncle Markie? Did you graduate college? I was directed not to go by the Old Earth slash white salt Wiccan vampire king of covens and the reigning Fae Queen Anya Uncle to perfect my craft and walk in Papa's shoes as an old earth when he retires.

Marcus grinned What was your excuse Destiny for ditching college? Who me Uncle Marcus? Yes, Desti there is only one named Destiny correct?

I'm the president of the chick lit click. I ain't got time for that college crap. Everyone cracked up, including Hayden who bumped fists with his wife. Marcus laughed, spinning his bracelet she made him over 20 years ago.

Speaking of which we ain't in thr click mom? You gotta be voted in Winter, you and Ember. By whom? The members. I'm here Marcus said you and Sparkle we are missing Fi and Rose and Artemis. That's three of six votes. All in favor of Winter and Ember being added to the chick lit click say I Marcus said I waiting on the thumbs up or down from Zion on the DNA staring anxiously through the glass.

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