Wedding Buzz

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Chapter 80

Seven Days until the wedding of the century.

Fi the caterers and tent people are here. OK Ember let's go. Me? You sure you don't want Halo? She frowned being shut out of wedding preparations. Are you coming or no Ember? Ember nodded yes they walked to the door what are you doing Ember? Oh, I forgot she picked up her parasol handing Fi hers where is Clara? Here I cannot walk in the light, Ms. Fi.

I forget sometimes okay Clara you get the cateres and tent set up people whatever they need from the kitchen since Mama Vy is at Lycan Manor today. Clara nodded yes in her hollings dress down uniform. Ember gave her a dirty look. Why don't you get rid of her Safinah? Because Marcus gifted her to me if you must know. Marcus gave you thousands of gifts she is no different get rid of her. I have never gotten rid of anything Marcus gifted me and I won't start now. Why don't you give me that enchanted pencil Thoth gave you that Papa has no idea you have math cheater? I have no idea what you mean? Shall I ask Thoth, who has no comprehension on what lying is? Okay what you wanna rat me out all the time Fi you never tell on the boys always me and Winter. Why do you think that is Fi stopped walking staring in her eyes. I don't fucking know we are sisters. So because we are sisters, I should let you get away with doing shit that can hurt you? I try and talk to you I try and say Ember don't do that and what do you say? You're not my mother right? Yes Ember said low. Okay then you leave me no choice but to tell on you because if I don't and something bad happens like you get raped or killed what do you think mama is gonna say to me? Fi you knee and did nothing? She will never look at me the same way and I will never be the same if my baby sister is killed because of me. Fi"s eyes watered up. Ember smiled you do love me. Of course I love you I don't like your nasty ways none of us have ever been to our staff especially Mama Vy she is family how dare you Ember. Even Malcolm has never gotten nasty with staff even when he knew they stole something from us. All he did was make them give it back or subtract the cost from their pay and get the pawn ticket back to get the item back. Then he put them to work the fields where there is nothing to steal. That stopped staff from stealing because seers walk through here often. There is always a way to speak and handle people with kindness or a firm hand without being snotty or nasty. Have you ever seen the older children getting nasty with staff in any house we own no matter what they did wrong even Marcus and Micah? No Fi. What about Khallah and Myles? No Fi. You and David are one of us. I understand you are part of the seven but Ember you and David are our siblings you stand with us first yes? Yes Fi. Good she hugged a tearing eyes Ember come on let's see if they have those pink rose colored table cloths you wanted. You ordered them?! Mama said whatever color you wanted for the tables work around it so don't change the color now girl it is to late. Haha okay Fi. Fi put her hand out for her baby sister to hold as they walked to the events barn Niarchos had built for party rentals on the property and where the reception would be with hold over guests in glamorous tents.

Ember was breath taken by the barn build out. Oh my Fi it's beautiful did Nick do this alone? He created the blue prints had them design it according to what he saw in his head. All these levels looks like people are sitting on glass. Because they are Ember. One two three four five levels. Where is the elevator Fi? Elevators? There and there stairs are in the back. Fi pressed a button the floors lit light pink. Ember cried beautiful Fi. See that net wayyyy up high? Yes. That's your money drop net. Oh Fi! I missed yalls you know at the sweet sixteen? That party is always talked about by the staff at school. Yeah they were all there. Fi smiled how about we go to the party? How? Angel can open the portal. Ember clapped really Fi? Yes after the baby okay? Ember squeeled jumping up and down claing. Shhh don't tell Marcus if you do we ain't going.

Why? Cause I don't wanna go with him i wanna go with you. Oooh! Oh! What? You wanna see Walking Sky. He wasn't there. Yes he was liar I read the sign in book with winter 100 times and the gate book from that night too! Walking sky was there! Shhh. Hehhe okay okay you better not warn him Fi. I won't she looked away. Fi Bishop will leave you. No he won't Ember. YES he will! Bishop is like Nick he will make you suffer just like Nick does when mama is wrong not taking her calls for weeks. Let's see how that works with those purple rings. Hehe facts!

Vampire Uprising 13 The Wedding Of The Century You Are Cordially Invited.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang