Truth Revealed

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Chapter 90

Gabriel tapped the glass door holding up two fingers. The bartender bought Clarence a double of blood Tox whiskey. Marcus stared through the glass seeing and feeling his makers upset and his mother as his maker confused.

What happened? Clarence sat as Gabriel handed him his glass. He shook his head Sofia sat on a chair in front of him looking in his eyes. Sofia closed her eyes when she opened them the four of them were standing in the apple orchard even Gabriel. Gabriel looked around it was so real she could feel the apples beneath her feet and smell the sweet of them on the air. She looked down Clarence was choking on his own blood. She went to walk to him Evan held her hand while the memory played out. Let it be gal if you save him from his turn he will never save you. We dont6know what powers we four got in memories so step back and met it play out. Witness the night your beloved became a man a true vampire. Evan smiled blowing smoke. See dem dry goods I be wearin Prissy? Dey paid fo. Gabriel giggled low, watching quietly.

Her laughter quickly turned to fear. Clarence went to her hugging his bride it's okay Sugar she hid her face in his chest he wrapped his arms around her as she gave Evan a dirty look for stabbing hum and cutting his throat. What Choo lookin at ugly? Iffin I ain't you won't be cuddling him now is ya? Gabriel rolled her eyes. Is yall payin tention  specially you Gabriel cause we been her fo. Yes, Mama Sofia, I am watching sorry. It be fine just look chere now.  Malcolm saw this when he was two Clarencr? He was one, my love. So

Dis is life Prissy blood is life violence be love in our world when we gifts a imortal life you take a life one come back. Da old life da human one put up a fight fo leavin that be the violent part da easy part be when da vampire take over a new life. It all be da Evan pulled from his cigar. Not for me it's 35 years later I'm still turning.

1861 The Turn....

A slave grab my hair from behind choke me while pushin a knife in my left rib. Usin his long claw finger nails he rip open my throat with a swift swipe!

I looks down seein my blue coat crimson red.

As I lay on a top crushed apples, I smells my blood mix with the sugar sweet smell of ripe red apples. Ise dying I can't breathe Ise hot no more. I rub my fingers together oil?

That oil my blood fo some reason I ain't fraid. Deep down I knowed I die young at the hand a slavery.

"Lookey here! A white carriage man."

A tall slave push his boot in my chest, making my breathing hard.
A woman say "THIS AIN'T NO WHITE ONE BABY! You gotts to save em fo me!"

"Why?" "Dis the lady boy the lady dat save me from rape an da lash.

She tooks my ten lashes den dey sells her boy to another plantation be punishment on count she help me her name be Isabell. She ain't never get over dat, broke her heart loosin her picaninny. I tolds ya bout her when I meets ya member baby?"

"You say dis boy mama a negro slave who save ya from a lashin and a massa rapin is true wife?" "Yessir." Sofia gazed in her husband's eyes with a smile in an effort to save the son of the woman who once saved her.

The man removed his boot from Clarence's chest speaking at him.

"My black Lilac say yo mama good people so I thinks you good but iffin you ain't well I finish what I start white man."
He made sure to wave his large hunter knife dripping with my slick blood over my face.

"Go on, da way I shows ya woman."

Black Lilac sat on my chest, leanin' over me.

Evan, it ain't workin he dyin he leavin here why he ain't vampire? You done as I say bite hard top fangs meet bottom teeth through flesh? Yes ahhhh! Ahhh! Sofia swept Clarence his arms screaming and begging for his life. God say it not his time Evan God tells me dat! I ain't knowin why but he say fia save dat boy I hears iffin he was sat right chere!

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