Marcus vs Sky

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Chapter 61

Justice sat in his office with his elder brother by the fire. Together they sipped brandy blood while Justice broke the news. Clarence what are your thoughts? Clarence paced the floor that Isabel had a child with Alexander we have no knowledge of? Where is the proof ? One thing I know about Alexander is GE wrote everything down kept distinct records of everything from the china to the tiniest spoon. I get that from him the meticulous way of keeping my own hand written ledgers regarding financial transaction Justice. You mean you don't use a computer brother? No and neither do any of my offspring the world can't track a written ledger can they brother? Are you using a computer Justice? Justice looked away.

Clarence opened his hands Justice went in his desk handing Clarence the tiny laptop. Clarence opened it no password real smart Justice. He opened the financial records staring angrily at his brother. Clarence typed something in the computer sat it on the floor and in minutes it went up in smoke. No! Yes.

Now Hacker has your records Steven will start your books then Hacker will destroy all traces of any worldly records. Please tell me you are only using the vampire bank? Yes. Thank god for that.

Kiki burst in Justice the office look...oh I am sorry papa she hugged him again. You're hugging the bloke that fried your computer? Kiki looked confused Ki have you ever seen the quads conducting money business on a lap top? She thought no papa I haven't. What about Gabriel? Auntie? No papa....sorry papa. Clarence hugged her it's okay now if your man could follow your lead instead of being sour we can continue talking. Kiki laughed waving bye to go with the women.

What of this missing piccaninny business Justice? Justice laughed at his words. Missing kid business Clarence? If I have to be politically correct with my own brother we can stop talking now baby brother.

Clarence sipped again making justice laugh but brother you said finance, would Alexander write it as that? We were property Justice like cattle or a dog. Justice inhaled sitting back in his leather wing back chair now what brother?

Let Marcus decide Justice. But Clarence this child is one of us Clara says the child is alive. Clara says....she was a liar as a child, a liar as a teen, and a liar now

I know her better then anyone she is a liar brother the only good that came from all this was you and I finding one another. Did you forget Clara sent my own brother to kill me? Sorry I upset you big brother. You haven't I am getting married and I do not want to open any doors that may upset Gabriel. We have 30 days to the alter I would like to get there without new incidents. Marcus is going to rule let him decide Justice. Justice stared. I know that look justice it's our mother's child Clarence.

Justice I was on the plantation I never saw Isabel have another child. Clarence you had no idea she and Avril had me yet I sit before you. There is one way to find out old earth to lay all this to rest. Clarence shook his head no. When have I ever asked you anything old earth wise? Never. Please Clarence I have to know. Then what justice? I told you I--

I will handle it under the supervision of my nephew that is if we get a yes agreed? After the wedding when Gabriel and I are long gone. Justice smiled okay Clarence. Clarence nodded his head yes. I can't do it until Chantel or Sparkle are here. I have a lot of alcohol in my system I need one of them as a back up. Justice chuckled.

Malcolm arrived with the first half of the seven plus the new baby boy. Marcus ran downstairs pushing pass the maids. Marcus walked fast to the door with his arms open. Malcolm put the baby bag down laughing handing his 100% vampire baby boy to his baby brother. Marcus unwrapped him. Why don't you have cotton in one of his ears? I forgot Marcus. Marcus opened his eyes they were vampire colored not red. Marcus held him to his ears no heart beat a good sign Marcus grinned like it was his baby.

The baby stretched and fussed Marcus looked up at his gums inhaling happy fangs under the gums X look. Malcolm looked on nervous look at the seer nervous about raising a vampire. The kids laughed at the brothers.

Let me take him to mama X. You can after I speak with Victoria Malcolm opened his arms for the baby. Sorry for your loss big bro Marcus hugged a teary eyed Malcolm. This way prince Malcolm she led him to the bedroom suite where he and Victoria were set up.

Marcus looked up sword drills in fifteen all my sons and nephews better be there someone text Chas and Hayden. Marcus walked off texting Vlad to be outside in 20 minutes.  Hayden looked at his phone annoyed Destiny looked behind her as she was unpacking for them what now bae? Dad is calling sword drills I don't feel like it. She tossed his clothes and rested his shield against the wall holding the crest of tbe coven. Keep ya left up kissing his head.

Hayden huffed agitated as he dressed. Hayden entered the training court all the vampire guards of London were present as were the guards from Safinah's coven. Marcus looked around all his sons present....except Sky.

Marcus looked at the porch he sat with Sunny out of uniform with no weapons in hand. Clarence and the Elders were communicating mentally watching Marcus' next move. Oh lord Hayden whispered to Shiloah both spitting on the ground. Chas opening his hands for his money making all the brothers laugh. I told you when he was born and mama named him Sky he was going to challenge Dad just like Walking Sky did.

Dad should have never said yes to to mema letting us call him Sky Hayden Hollings. Hayden chuckled cause he bore his name. He should not be allowed to live on the Reservation either. The Indians are raising him to walk his own path he is too young to decide right now he has to train that's all Chas added agitated.

I'm fucking tired Hayden said to his brothers. What's wrong bro? Seth asked concerned. No soil. Send a vampire soil scout papa has his own even though it is only 40 miles away at Uncle Zion"s house. They laughed papa has bread to waste. So do you diamond mine boy. Hayden smiled jealousy does not become you Shiloah.

Two Pegasus' and a diamond mine not a shabby pay day brother like they said you earned it. Thank you Chas trust me I did. Seven bumped Chas with his shield. Stop before I have to knock you on your ass. Seven held his staff sword combo chuckling.

Marcus stormed to the porch Raven and all male Elders present. Lets go Sky. No dad I am not a warrior. Sky I am not asking you I am telling you Marcus tossed his sword down on the porch pick it up. Sky sat indian style while Sunny circled him with white sage. Pick it up boy. 

Safinah heard the commotion running down stairs Bishop was dressed for sword drills looking on. No dad.

Marcus hyper sped grabbing Sunny pushing her neck to the left he popped his sharp fangs as she struggled to free herself from being his prey. Sky if you do not pick up that blade i am going to drain your bitch in under a minute and toss you her dead body.

Sky shocked stood staring at his father let her go dad. No you have five seconds Sky I mean it! PICK UP THAT FUCKING BLADE!


Let her go dad!


Please Dad!


Dad can we talk?!





Marcus let Sunny go looking around him infused with awe amazement and a tad of jealousy. Marcus?

Marcus looked behind him Clarence walked up to him while Sky cried his eyes out banging his fist into the wall. 

Pop what the hell is going on? Marcus, Sky has the ability to freeze space and time apparently for long periods of time from the magnitude of how long everyone is in limbo everyone in the house even the pets are frozen.

Marcus stared grinning WOW.

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