Purple Rings

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Chapter 43

Three Days Prior Hollings estate west barn.....

Okay we are removing his brain when I do we will move to the new body. I already attached his head it will take four hours for me to properly reattach the new brain. Kayla and Marcus nodded yes. Joseph removed his brain Kayla snatched the tray placing a clean new one under his hands.

Marcus pushed the dead vampire on the slab to Joseph. Marcus was secretly recording the procedure for the scrolls as he was beyond impressed. Okay now Kayla Marcus I will need the tools vampire reflect fast if you cant find it bae let Marcus hand it off his tray and vise versa ever second counts as I reconnect his nerve ending and brain to his new host. With luck this will be his last brain transfer.

They worked as fast as possible. That's it Joseph sighed tired from the ten hour procedure close him up. Joseph put the cut skull back on covering his brain. The blood transfusion bags were connected all over Crazy's new body. Kayla kissed Baby's hand it is okay now Baby you gonna finally be a grown man and a handsome one she teased. That's it lets get him to the house infirmary since he can fit in the house now. They covered him Hayden and Jojo ran him up to the house carefully while Kayla pushed Marcus through the basement door.

They cleaned the new body setting the old one in the sun after measurements were taken and photos for the scrolls. Joseph  hooked crazy to a bakers dozen worth of machines. He is stable Joseph grinned it went well guys now we wait. For? For crazy to wake up Kay. How long Jojo? There is no time when the brain heals and connects itself to the host on all levels he will wake. He is vampire and this is a vampire host so the healing should be faster then human healing. I will need to sleep here to monitor him Marcus. Of course medical Quarters are back there you know that you have full access to his vitals even if you are not in with him it is the software Uncle Zion created. Oh yes I know it all to well from his training me from childhood.

Joseph put his hand on Crazy's arm. Rest brother we are here.

Current Day New Orleans Louisiana Micah's Estate....

The Quads walked through the fog they inhaled coughing. Mama! Artemis was crying Constantine! Daddy! She cried over her parents as did Hayden Destiny Asher and Sparkle. Marcus' kids crowded the room. Clara was in the corner watching saying nothing as she was there to serve as Fi's maid.  Deep down she was happy Fi was awake she reminded her of herself spoiled and selfish but never saw it in herself till she lost everything.

She tippy toed gawking over everyone's shoulders. Papa! Destiny called daddy is still asleep. Hayden stared at a sleeping Malcolm.  Marcus looked at his body wired up to blood lines papa, excuse me Clarence rushed to Angel's side. How long have we been out? Clarence was quiet. Papa? Three weeks Angel. What? It feels like we just went in and walked out. No it's been three weeks son.

He looked to his mother mama? Angel she is not up neither is Nick or Malcolm. Angel yelled Hayden! Hurry. Hayden ran over to Angel take me back in now. Uncle I--

WE CANT LEAVE MALCOLM HE IS SCARED HAYDEN HE NEEDS A LIVING Guide OUT HURRY NEPHEW. Hayden kissed a scared Destiny Malcolm's guard was down Hayden fell in Clarence's arms and Angel fell back on his pillow.

Nephew and Uncle were back in Lycan Manor but it was like it was now. They heard pool splashing and went out back to Gabriel and Niarchos skinny dipping with Malcolm trying to coax them out the water.

No! No! Gabriel teased splashing her son with water. Mama please all your grands are upset. Nick? Go away! The couple kissed twirling in a Caribbean blue water painted pool. Eeeeee! Gabriel jumped on Nicks back pulling pearls off the mermaid statue of herself. Sexy! Niarchos licked her neck. Mama? Aren't you hungry? Nick when was the last time you fed? They looked at Malcolm and burst out laughing.

Angel and Hayden exited the house Hayden and Angel happy the sun hit them and they did not fry. Man I haven't felt the sun in so long Uncle. Hayden opened his arms Hayden you can't get lost in their perfection. This is a lie thet built for themselves inside of the mind of Nick. But it is PERFECT. 

Malcolm looked up Angel! Why would you bring him here? How was I gonna get back in Malcolm? Hayden started taking off his shoes Malcolm put a vision in his head the pool was full of glass and no one was in it. He sat saying nothing.

What is this why won't it effect me Malcolm? I have no idea like I don't know how Marcus invaded a memory that clearly worked have you ever seen Nick so happy Angel? Angel squatted staring in Niarchos' eyes no...oh my god! What Angel? We are in the wrong damn persons head X! What?

Look Nick has a purple ring!Mama trapping him here! Got damn you're right brother we need to get in Mama's head and detach her from Nick. Yeah good luck Angel chucked watching the couple swirl around on a floating inflated swan sipping mimosa bkood.

I have an idea just go with it Angel. Hayden was on a pool chair singing the trolley song. By Judy Garland loud and off key with Gabriel. Malcolm let Hayden see the love locked couple in the pool again he needed his nephew for his scheme to work.

Come on. Malcolm and Angel walked out. Hayden go! Hey! Nick chuckled swimming his 500th lap exactly the same way without tiring. Angel and Malcolm ran back poolside Nick! Someone is trying to kill pop! Hurry he needs you! They choking him!

Niarchos' demeanor changed. A vampire broke in the big house he has pop by the throat hurry up Nick he is killing your father Niarchos! Hurry! He ran out the pool naked following them this way! Malcolm opened a door letting Niarchos run in he grabbed Angel back slamming the door behind Niarchos

Huhhhhh! Niarchos sat up PAPA! PAPA! Yes son Clarence held Niarchos crying that his son was back. Clarence paused staring into two eyes with deep dark purple rings.

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