Series Finale Chapter

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Chapter 100
Final Series Chapter!

What is this? Gabriel giggled at Marcus get in mama! Gabriel shook her head hoping in the golf cart with the the letter H on the cloth hood with Gabriel's Garage on the side with her logo which was a genie coming out a bottle. You never know what you'll find was the slogan. Oh Marcus, I love it!

It's your wedding present from Ember Fire and Winter mama. They also purchased a jitney bus to bring humans from town on Saturdays to the property. For what? She asked climbing in were her signature silk scarf large black sunglasses combo.

Pop is allowing his great grand baby Winter and his daughter Ember to capitalize off the property by having humans vampires and werewolves come to buy from th hollings farm collection which is located on the dining room of your vintage store. Oh no where are the armed chairs? Nick added three rooms to the house and two used trailer homes to house extras. He said that haul he bought you when you found jinn you have half the original shipment left and what the vampires have been gifting you from around the world to sell is getting out of control.

He is going to supervise the girls and Angel is keeping your books as usual. She nodded yes what else? Oh umm slave shack and cemetery visit of the deal civil war soldiers apparently in the house basement the old clothes that were pops and the Elders old dresses and some of the dresses Nick gifted you at the engagement that were Liza's.

No Marcus tell Nicky I said no to that. Yes mama. I love those dresses everyone I wear them. I know you do mama down to the head dress. You look beautiful in them mama I love you in them. You love me in all the dresses Markie. True but those make you Sparkle mama. Gabriel rested her hand on his knee. Mama? Yes Marcus? Are you proud of me? Why are you asking that? You spanked me a lot as a kid. Stop the cart. 

Marcus I spanked you because you were a defiant little boy who knew he was a powerful vampire even then and you used those powers to hurt me and others. I hurt you mama? Gabriel sighed you didn't mean it. What did I do? Not important clarence wiped ot from you. He stared saying nothing I'll have Malcolm unlock it mama. There is nothing to unlock I said erase not suppress.

Mama! Marcus?! Haha please mother. You promise to let it go? Never tell you papa I told you? Yes. You used black death on me for spanking Fi you almost killed me you were two that's the day we learned what you were capable of.

Tears fell mama I am sorry. Stop that boy she wiped his face. We were going to suppress your gifts the Elders got wind and vetoed it. Who told them? Gabriel gave him a look. Marcus laughed did pop know? No Niarchos took the blame and punishment.

Why? Because he loves you and me that's what husbands do protect. Nick is a class act huh mama? Yes he is remember that as you rule. Niarxhos is lile a big kid deep down trapped in that green sexy fine as he'll body. Marcus laughed. Be good to my husband child. I will mama.

You're coming home before school starts for the seven plus Winter and Sky right? Hehe yes I will watch Ember with Thoth she loves not to come home on time Sundays. Go bring her home if it happens 2x punishment. Yes mama. I mean it Marcus. He smiled nodding yes. Watch Winter and Sky three times I saw them headed to the barn. Which one? The car barn Marcus where they can fuck in the back of any car or truck. We don't need those two pregnant. Yes mama what else?

Help Fi that's four babies Marcus Harper and Sabatian and now Spynx and Faith. Faith I like that mama.

I do too now we have Destiny sprinkled with a little Faith tie it together with God's Mercy so it will Sparkle like snow under the Winter sun.  Oh mama that's sweet I'll have something made for you saying that. Thank you Markie she kissed his hand.

The big house....

Papa please stay. Ember close the door. I love you You're my baby girl however I am a married vampire. I promised your mother and a vampire never breaks his promise does he baby? No dad. Dad when you're upset papa when you love me? I always love you papa don't do that. Now I got your mother to agree to coming back from traveling by the time you start school. That's three months. They are opening the high school we will return before this baby. You know we see you all off on the first day from the big house yes? Yes Papa it's tradition.

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