Hola Se·ñor Hollings!

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Chapter 7

The camera crew showed early. Gabriel and Clarence were dressed Gabriel opened an envelope where baby? Havana! She squealed hugging Clarence Ember! She ran down yes mama? I am going to Havana. Okay mama hurry home. Thoth? Where did you come from? The closet mama. Of course. She hugged them both getting in a Rolls Royce top down.

They rode through downtown waving people clapped and screamed waving tossing flowers, bra and panties at Clarence. What the heck? Myles laughed when Gabriel tossed them back out.

They got to the airport I'll race you to the plane Clarence teased. You're on Gabriel ran normal Clarence stared chasing her at normal speed he caught up to her tickling her he bent down she hopped on his back hearts flew up and subscriptions to the wedding channel was paid for in record numbers. Clarence carried her to his jet laughing cause Miles bought a wedding jet he had wrapped with decorative white with doves and ribbons that said 90 days to the wedding of the city 10 city tour! It had champagne glasses and the autographs of all the children and grands written all over the jet in large letters. Look Marcus! Gabriel smiled MGNH that is how he signs Clarence. I see. She laughed. Nicky! Chance! Grip! She kissed him he she wrapped her legs around him the jet door closed.

CUT! Myles and Diva hugged one another smiling at ratings and subscription purchases.

Diva and Myles with the staff got on the jet Gabriel had her shoes off Clarence was feeding her chocolate covered strawberries. The camera staff smiled. Yes we really do love one another young man. The vampire camera back up man smiled. Look gifts from everyone. Myles text Diva watch her.open Marcus' gift first. Gabriel searched the table pulling Marcus' box off the bottom.

Diva and Myles laughed what? Gabriel asked. They told her she popped her fangs hissing making them laugh. Open it Mama. Gabriel opened the box laughing she pulled the sexy two string bikini bathing suit out the box. Clarence grinned I approve the men chuckled. The rest were the same fashion sexy lingerie. Why did you let the children waste money Myles? What you mean mama? As he ate fried chicken mama Vy made. Show your son what happens to my pretty lingerie. Clarence held it in his fist when he opened it the bra was shredded to threads. Oh man Diva clapped. We don't need all that fan fare we are past that. Says who? Gabriel stared with question marks in her eyes. Says me Clarence answered sipping whiskey tox blood.

I like coming to bed looking pretty in a nice package for you to  unwrap you and Nicky tear my stuff up she pouted making Diva grin as Myles recorded. What does that tell you woman? What? Don't buy it anymore you are wasting your money. No, I am wasting your money. Touché. Everyone laughed.

They landed in Havana 10 o'clock at night. Myles had a float waiting in an empty hanger at thr airport. When the gates opened the streets flooded with vampires and lycans from Havana. Diva nudged Gabriel pointing. He fine as fuck she whispered. We are married Diva. What happens in Havana stays in Havana.

Umm you're married to a Lycan high table seer remember? That's right...damn. They giggled. The float rolled in the streets slow as people tossed flowers confetti and lay blood tox bottles on the float floor. Myles had guards collect mail and letters as the float rolled. They stopped at the hotel they owned since the fifties.  When they entered all staff were kneeled. The proprietor walked to Clarence speaking in Spanish.

Welcome Pharaoh. Javier it has been so long let me introduce you to my new Queen I give you Queen Gabriel Hollings Queen of vampires and Lycans. He held her hand kissing it. Welcome to Havana your suite is ready great ones as usual. The president of Havana has sent fresh fruit and blood. He said he will see you before you depart to call him at your leisure. You have his private phone number great one? Yes how is Maria? Well and alive thanks to her maker who stands before me she will be here this evening to greet you both.

Thank you Javier. Please great ones this way. Wait Diva text Myles the pharaoh own this hotel? He owns the block and everything on it. Diva smiled looking around the high end posh hotel.

Oh my look Diva crab legs and shrimp. I miss seafood Gabriel chuckled. Clarence escorted Gabriel to the patio the view from up high was breath taking he pushed her against the patio bars tounging her down. Clarence waved his hand Myles clapped they exited leaving them alone.

Hayden found Destiny in Gabriel's church crying on her bed. He entered closing the door behind him. Hayden lit a candle although he could see her clearly. Baby what is wrong? He removed his shoes laying behind her. She turned on her back staring up locking eyes with him. Hayden looked behind her eyes transforming himself to that dreaded day. He stood in a tiny apartment nothing that a royal would live in voluntarily.

Victoria was high on the floor a smoke alarm went off above Hayden's head. He looked up it was ringing loud as smoke piled quickly in the tiny flat. He turned to Destiny shaking her mother awake on the floor but a drunk high induced Victoria had no idea what was happening even with the shrill sound of alarm bells above her. A then three year old Destiny who was dirty and unkempt stared at the burning frying pan on the tove.

She closed her eyes when she opened them the knobs on the stove were in the off position. That did not stop the ringing or the smoke. Hayden watched destiny get a chair unlatch the locked door and run down the hallway for help.

Little did she know help was a Georgia Department of children and families case worker. Hayden watched her shake a vodka smelling mother who could not be awaken. Then he watched as police came then ambulances he also watched a three year old hide her mothers cell phone in the back of a battery operated bunny rabbit. Later he watched Destiny call Clarence several times before going with the Wexler family. She would not speak just listen it was then Clarence locked onto a little girl he had no idea was his granddaughter.

Oh baby.... You were just a kid. Yeah but all this time I was bad to her because I thought she gave me away Hayden why would she not tell me? Look at you, how upset you are you blame yourself do you think any mother wants her child thinking it was their fault. Your mom knows she was to blame she had a problem and that problem cause you to get help. You take it as if i never got help I would not have been taken right bae?

Yes Hayden. No Desti. Victoria knows you real good he chuckled more then you can ever imagine and she spiraled downward when they took you because you were all she had left of Uncle Malcolm. For all her sexual prowess she worships the ground Uncle Malcolm walks on she loves him bae and he loves her. They both love you. Auntie Vix loves you as much as Uncle Malcolm if not more don't ever doubt that baby people make mistakes they need to be forgiven my love. Forgive your mother Destiny it is time to let go.

She held onto Hayden making love what did I do to deserve you? You loved me Desti he smiled.

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