Sparkle's Exam

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Chapter 78

The date Chantel and Sparkle waited for during two life times was here. Sparkle waited in the car with Caspian Angel and Chantel. When she got her message through a butterfly, who flapped her wings against the glass, beckoning her to follow it to the location with Earth's waiting. Good luck, baby. Thank you, mama. Caspian hugged his wife you got this kiss mama North. Thank you baby. Angel held his only daughter, "You are vampire you are my daughter my blood you are Hollings yes? Yes daddy. Go get em Mermaid Queen. Caspian laughed.

A nervous Sparkle walked the long path on the road Mama Lozelle walked many years ago to become what she's trying to become.

She looked around her soaking up her surroundings admiring all the cut stumps of trees. All taken by old Earth's except the third stump resignating her lufe force, which was empty because of her passing.

Clarence sat on the seventh stump levitating with his legs crossed indian style smoking his pipe. Sparkle stared at him wickedly because he was smoking. Clarence knew this would rattle her nerves this is why he did it. This was to assure her to keep her concentration and not let heart anger and despair about him smoking get in the way of what she had to do. he lowered himself on the stomp feet to the moss filled ground. Smiling at her, nodding his head. this reassured her that it was going to be okay, she recalled his words. Mind the business that pays you sparkle. Stop worrying about other people's affairs and concentrate on yourself.

Sparkle? Yes, old Earth number 5. You are here today to pass your test to see if you will become old Earth number 3 and sit among us.

This is a high honor a privilege not to be taken lightly if you pass becoming an old Earth. There will be spells you will do and learn that you cannot share with your apprentices.

There will be incantations we will teach you no one can learn as these belong to Earth's and Earth's alone. These spells have been passed down through the centuries and protected by us and our coven. Do you understand the complexities of keeping these century old secrets? Yes, old Earth number 5 I do. Very well let us begin.

Sparkle, there will be times you will have to get the Earth to surrender something to you meaning under the ground from the earth's core. We need you to have the Earth relinquish something from beneath your feet something needed.

Sparkle sat on the ground with her legs spread apart. She rested her ear to the ground with her palms flat down whispering low. That whisper grew the ground began to rumble beneath then. As the ground shook Earth pushed up between her legs.

The earth regurgitatedkp red clay red clay turned to Gray clay. The Earth's smiled, knowing this clay was coming from the earth's core because the dirt was hot. Smoke released from it as it surfaced.

Sparkle reached her hand in the hot clay with the inkcantation she used she knew it would not burn her. She pulled out A. Basketball size of one hundred percent pure amber.

Sparkle brushed off the large ball of pure Amber. It was crystal clear pure and the elements needed for many spells requiring amber were not able to be completed because the amber was not pure enough. This large basketball of Amber was enough to satisfy everyone in the coven that needed to complete spells requiring the pure compound.

The Earth smiled, they were impressed that she picked an item to pull they need so desperately. Sparkle walked the ball of Amber over to Clarence, laying it at his feet.

A gift for my teacher and all the Earth's here nodding her head all the dirt went back into the Earth and once again was flat covered with grass and moss. Earth's were impressed with her gift the ground released to her as well as how she made the grassy moss appear as it once was.

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