It's Time

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Chapter 93

The reception carried on. Dancing drinking and eating continued way past sunrise. It would be 4 pm before everyone was gone or escorted home safe. Many were driven back to the hotel where Ganriel and Clarence were staying.

When they pulled up to the Georgia Peach regency reporters and cameras were still out waiting to snap photos of the black American dream couple. Clarence stumbling drunk demanded Gabriel allow him to carry her over the threshold. No, I'm scared you'll drop me. Marcus drunk himself repeated himself over and over as to why she should let his father carry her over. Mama Papa is drunk yes but he never dropped me and he never dropped you. Marcus put his finger on the tip.of her nose. Thank you Marcus Gabriel grabbing bis glass of whiskey cause someone has had enough. Clarence reached in his pocket pulling Joseph's magical pills. What's that?

Shhhh Clarence chuckled with Marcus who had no idea what he was chuckling at with his father. Gabriel looked at them shaking her head two old drunk koots. The argued over Clarence carrying Gabriel walking in leaving her in the hallway with the guard. Great one the guard called to Clarence pointing at Gabriel.

Oh Sugar he pushed Marcus to the floor he laughed clapping his hands you made me leave my wife in the hallway. Marcus laughed harder. Clarence bent down Gabriel got on his back. He zig zagged his way in the room sitting on the triple king bed of the hotel they owned.

He pulled off her shoes kissing her feet don't kiss them rub them all that dancing we did like we are 17 again. He rubbed her feet she moaned in relief. Do you want me to run a tub Clarence? Clarence? He was snoring on the bed. Marcus? He was fast asleep on the floor. Marcus come on baby. Ummm.

Come on Markie let mama help you up. Gabriel put Marcus on the couch in the same room as their bed. Mama? Yes baby. Give Markie a kiss. She bent down kissing his forehead I love you mama ge slurred. I love you too baby.

She covered him and Clarence with blankets. Safinah called hey baby. He mama is Marcus on his way home? No baby, he and ya Papa are drunk sleep. I'll send him back when he wakes up baby. Thank you for such a beautiful wedding. You're welcome mama. You and Vannah need to open a business.

You mean me, Vannah Halo Winter & Ember? Embers money drop idea was legendary and Winter's swag bag items were a hit. They made Papa richer as if he needs to be richer mama. You all need to stop watching Clarence's money and be like his son's and learn from him. You get a pipeline into various businesses, and before you know it you have thousands of streams of income flowing your way.

Mama you sound tired. I am baby. Are you drunk? No baby I have to guard your father when he is drunk. Who said that, Mama? It's a feeling I keep telling y'all--

It's a vampire bride thing. That's right he is my maker and my husband. I am the only one of the elders who is married to the man who turned her Fi. I never thought of it that way mama what does it feel like? Gabriel inhaled then exhaled spidey senses.

Hahah mama you are crazy. That's the only way I can explain it did you know your father saw through my eyes when he was earthed? No mama. Yep, said he couldn't do it until he was under the groumd. Don't tell anyone Marcus is gonna document everything as part of his research he and Vlad. Ok.

Listen, you watch Ember with Thoth she was so lost in him tonight the last thing we need is a teen pregnancy. You and I were pregnant teens mama and look how we turned out. Fi? Yeah mama? We are talking about Ember, who will have no problem having babies and leaving them with us to raise while she travels the world to God knows where with Thoth. That's true Fi cracked up laughing.

I swear I failed that girl all the things I put into you older girls by the time I got to my baby I was plum tuckered out. Mama Ember is fine. She is a fine young lady. The wedding has bought us closer and I'll mentor her more along with Desti's help since she hangs out there a lot with Winter Wind.

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