Take Pride

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Chapter 11

Camera men showed up to the big house setting up. Why? Fi asked frustrated cause he challenged me Marcus bent down kissing her. He must think me soft. Who cares what he thinks Marcus? I need help with these twins now you promised after the war to be in these twins life more then the other babies.  Baby Fi it is one week I have been here everyday have I not? She smiled you have thank you. Okay then one week will not hurt us. But Markie no money none? The cameras were rolling. Not one coin. No...no clothes no nothing? Fi... Zip zero nothing I must live poor I cannot use any vampire or Egyptian God skills I have called off my vampire lycan and Egyptian guards. I will go in the world alone no weapons money or cars just me and what I have on. I cannot access any resources attached to anyone or anything I cannot have a phone when I leave.

Marcus no! You need a phone. He held up a beeper. Where did you get that? One of the slaves he is dead here is the number. Nope Bishop snatched it you got that because a white vampire died in a vampire war. Marcus laughed okay sorry Fi. Marcus stripped his necklaces earrings watch rings emptied his pockets and was frisked by his guards. The checked under his balls he laughed they checked his hair they found nothing. Ratings were flying. Clarence! He rushed out the hot tub waiting on her look.

He sat on the edge of the bed laughing he can't be serious Marcus has never lived poor a day in his life with no resources? Get my phone Sugar. Marcus' phone rang on the table it's papa. Marcus picked up hey pop how is Havana? Good until ya mother turned on the set what is this?

Clarence was on speaker a challenge. I see Marcus how can you live like a slave? Nothing but your name and the clothes on your back you weren't raised that way it is not in you. Hearts flew.
Oh yep of little faith don't you know you raised a resourceful vampire papa? Clarence grinned. I do my son. Then put 40 million on the table and double it great one your son is about to make you even wealthier.

Haha okay I will tell chance wait he text me and said he has it Haha. Good. The world awaits papa I love you. Love you son mama?! What? Mama is upset yall Marcus said to the camera laugh emojis flew what's wrong my Queen? Why I don't like it and I should forbid it. Mama don't it will make me look soft. Soft?! You cut a damn demons head off in hell and wear his head as a damn crown how are you soft? Mama please. Gabriel was quiet please.

She inhaled this boy gonna send me to my grave! Fi laughed out of all my children why are you always the one to...to...be bad?! My son is not bad Gabriel stop saying that. More laughing faces flew. He is! Since he was born Clarence we all accept it but you! See you upset your mother Marcus. 

Mama. What? Sorry you forgive me? Yesssss her voice went from crass to light hearted give mama kissie. Mwah you call as soon as you get a line. Yes mama. Bye son. Any advice pop? Clarence was quiet enjoy your freedom without the heaviness of the crown you are about to adorn. Hearts flew Myles and Diva loved it. Diva cried that was so sweet. You know pop wants to be normal again Diva. Normal how? No one knows him normal.

Too late now. Tell me about it auntie haha.

Okay he is free of everything. Bishop opened the front door he kissed Fi and the babies. Artie kissed him he wiped Fi's tears stop I will be fine woman. He left with the clothes on his back not even a tooth brush. Marcus exited the estate threw the front gate.
Seven Seth Shiloah and Grip were manning phones taking bets while the white slaves danced seeing him exit the property.

Marcus' Challenge Day One

Marcus walked into a human night bar downtown. Hello is the manager here? Yeah kid hang on. Hi how can I help you? I see you need help? Yeah kid you wash dishes? Sure. By hand kid we ain't got no dishwasher here. That is fine. Pays $7 a hour I usually hold that job for ex con's you know help em get on they feet you a ex con? No sir just down on my luck. The body cam he wore streamed live to VLTV. Okay kid your on what's ya name kid?  Garvey..... Johnson.

The laughing faces flew in the air. Fine Garvey strong name by the way I'm Pete he pushed his hand out. Hey Pete. Cold hands kid that means ya got a warm heart here this is all you. Dishes and pots were everywhere even on the floors. When they are washed where should I store them. Anywhere kid cause ya gonna have ta wash em again so it don't even matter. Clarence clapped Gabriel he got a job!

She ran off the toilet already?! Yes! They hugged. Sir? Yeah kid when is payday? Next week Friday we pay every two weeks you came on the end of the second week and I don't do none of that advance mess kid sorry been stiffed to many times you got a place ta sleep? No sir.

Well like I said I was in your spot one too in the garage is a office I turned into a bedroom ya got a microwave TV fridge and bed it gets rowdy in this end of Dairy at night but you'll be fine as long as you keep that gate down. Yes sir.

He pulled the key off his key ring listen kid no boozing and no drugs if I see that ya out. Yes sir. You look like ya clean but I just had ta say it ya know? Yes sir. Good. Okay like I say do not open that garage door it leads to an alley all kinda shit goes on back there we don't need no cops in our faces I hate the fucking police! Oh and ya get three squares and whatever the chef scorches or burns. Thank you sir. Also you come in at seven pm work till ya done we ain't open till three pm anyways place hops at 10ish.

Vampires and Lycans laughed cause Marcus is a cop. Yeah me too. That made them laugh more you paroled or cut loose? Cut loose sir. Good! He spat on the floor fuck all dem lawmen.

Well kid I'll leave ya to it. Oh, there's a phone in the garage next to da bed local calls only long distance come out ya check door slam locks on ya way out lower the gate lock up . Yes sir. Marcus inhaled then exhaled looking at the filthy kitchen he knew it was gonna be a long night.

Food Shelter and a Job! BOOM! Gabriel was clapping and waltzing with Clarence as the camera staff recorded their reaction to the show. Wait that is not food for Marcus sugar. True well two out of three is not bad.

Marcus was done in seven hours the kitchen was filthy he scrubbed everything clean from the counters to the walls to the floors. He cleaned the stove grill and deep fryer. He found tools in the basement with scrap wood and made shelves for the dishes. He used three pipes and s bracket holders creating a pot holder for the pots and pans. He sanitized and bleached the kitchen. He created garbage containers with lids. When he was done he cut the camera on. Well the bar is empty this is the kitchen now.

Fuck! Gabriel yelled Clarence wake up! Wowwwww. Mama Vy thank you for making me scrub with you as a punishment as an alternative to telling papa. I have a new found respect for domestic workers. Mama Vy I dedicate this job to you. Vy was crying with Niarchos and the house wolves.

That kitchen sparkling Elder Niarchos you see that?! I do Vy haha. That's right--

Take pride in your work right mama Vy?

Yes boy! Yes! Hahah.

Goodnight y'all day one has ended I boiled some hot water I"ll drink this until I can get a blood source see ya'll at seven tonight Prince Marcus Out.

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