Joseph's Arrival

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Chapter 38

Joseph hopped off the chopper running to the big house Kayla was on the porch waving. He hugged and kissed her passionately. Marcus said nothing. Marcus. Jojo this way Hayden rolled Marcus while they walked to the barn to see Baby. He opened his eyes. Jojo grabbed a flashlight off the wall the three headed Hydra rose inhaling about to blow fire on Jojo. No boo Crazy baby said to her NO BABY! TEPSU NHEETEK! She moved back all three heads staring worried at Crazy baby. You speak ancient Egyptian to her Marcus? Yes so she won't obey anyone leases commands the language of the God's Jojo. Smart. Thank you what is up? I have to move his brain into another body now do you have dead vampires still in the freezers from tbe war?

Yes but most are white. Any black any of our people? Of course pop said they are to be buried or set in the sun once we clean the grounds completely Joseph. Take me let me see. They went to the walk in freezer with their dead on pull out rolling beds seven feet above thier heads and fifty feet back. Joseph walked through pulling beds out and pushing the back mumbling to himself he was in the freezer for a hour. He levitated high then lowered himself. You need help jojo? No baby I got it! Hayden was astound watching him work.

Here this one! They walked more then half way back. Why him? His head is off so he is really dead brain and all you do know some of these vampires are still alive right? What? Joseph laughed hard hitting Hayden I'm just fuckin wit ya!

You should have seen your face! Okay gwt him to the barn hurry I need all the tools from the infirmary please and a double end saw Marcus. Why? Because Hayden and I are gonna saw his head open while you hand me the tools I need disconnect and reconnect his brain in his new body. Drink 10 bottles of blood we will be here at least seven hours when we start we can't stop.

What about me jojo? You hand me the tools on the reconnection Marcus you got the disconnection.
Let's save our brother guys despite what we have been through Crazy has always been good to all of us he needs us lets save him. They all agreed going to prepare for emergency brain surgery.

Halo & Raphael......
Three Days Prior....

So now what Raphael? He was Quiet if you want me to end what we have I will. I don't I love you but not at the cost of you getting on the wrong side of God himself Raphael what will happen if...not if when he finds out? Raphael smiled Jehovah is all knowing my love. He knows? Yes. Then why hasn't he said anything? He is waiting for me to come to him as he does all his children. Then what? Who knows? His decision is diffrent with every angel this has happened to before me. Some he released to be mortal and live amongst men. Some he denied you know Halo Jehovah can be very jealous. Yeahhhh? Hahah yes the bible says it he is a jealous God where do you think humans het the feeling from? Everything you feel he has placed in you a split image of himself. Greed? Yes. Envy? Yes. God envies? Who? Mankind the right to live free of obligation.

Wow. I have a thousand questions Raphael chuckled some you shall find out in the after life. Okay Raphi. Shoot. Do Halo's really exist he looked sad no baby humans drew them in art but there is no circle above nor behind our heads although Jesus got a good laugh from it. So my name is nothing? Haha baby to humans it has a meaning he kissed her hand smiling at her pouting. She leaned in kissing him he stopped what?

He was quiet. What Raphael? I am a virgin. Do you know what to do? I've seen humans. I mean are you supposed to? No baby. Then we shall not she smiled. Your flesh will say yes and your will no.
I will be fine. Let me know if you change your mind honey. Halo giggled I will she lay her head on his shoulders he flexed his wings as they sat on a hill in Morocco watching the most beautiful sunset she ever saw holding his large hands.

New Orleans Micah & Valens Town House The French Quarter.....

Gabriel got to Micah's house she looked over the mantel and Brittany's portrait was gone. Mama let it go. Where is is Micah? In the attic mama Clarence chuckled. Why is ot there son? You have no respect for the memory of your first wife for the dead? I don't want it up Grammy she passed Clarence Salvatore hey Sal? It's papa. Sal kicked happily. Why Valence Gabriel hugged and kissed her.

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