Micah's Surprise

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Chapter 47

Micah pulled up to the infamous Masonic Cemetery four miles from his town house.  He held Gabriel's hand giving her a white candle to hold in the other as he ushered her through the array of above ground ornate Mausoleums. There were humans lighting candles some were performing voodoo ceremonies. When they saw Gabriel they pointed and whispered. Why are they doing that Micah? You are the infamous wife of the oldest old earth alive and the most powerful white salt warlock in the world. They do it to Valen and I all the time mama.

At first I did not understand until one of the guards told me why. I was shocked to find out it was because of pop. I thought it was because people know now I am Salvatore's last living child and vampire since this is a vampire sanctuary state.

I am sorry about Gianna baby and I'm sorry your father was forced to cut that bastard Donnell free. Trust me I tried on behalf of you Grip and myself over Egypt and hiding Halo he and Evan refused to budge.

I mean they let me torture him prior to Marcella's visit and I got him pretty good baby trust me I love a good torture and taunt session. Patrick Evans new underboss the one you hired... left him inches within dying.   I know you did mama thank you.  I will torture him every chance I get when I see him you have my word with Malcolm a strong second. Micah laughed we can't kill him but no one said we can't make his life hard. Mama you always find a way around the rules. I am a woman what do you expect? Haha.

Well mama we are here. Gabriel looked in front of her oh Micah it is BEAUTIFUL! You like it mama?I love it! You have Clarence's eye for these things. Gabriel walked up the 25 jet gold inlay marble steps with two gas lit torches outside. Micah opened the mausoleum door with his key. He kissed the stone carving of his bio mother which was the lid to the box holding her remains inside.

Mother he whispered this is the woman who cared for me when you were taken from me. She made sure I was loved, and had the upbringing you and Sal would have wanted for me. She raised me with morals and values to know right from wrong and to love people when they do not deserve it.  He rested his hand on his bio mothers stone face as if she were real.

Mother this is my new mama Gabriel Hollings who loves your son with her heart and soul and would lay her life down for mine. I could not have asked for a better mom as she is just like you loving sweet and kind. Micah kissed the stone carvings cheek. Gabriel stepped forward next to Micah.

Thank you for giving birth to such a wonderful boy who grew into the man and now vampire of whom I am extremely proud. I thank you for your gift of his love. I raised him thinking of you so you could rest in peace knowing he was in loving capable hands and no one beside you could love him as much as I not even his father's or brothers.

Thank you for your son Emily. Gabriel kissed her stone hand the highest form of respect from a vampire.

Micah wiped his eyes Gabriel kissed his tears away. You out did yourself son you ready? Yes, mama thank you. For what child? All that you did for me. Boy please you saved me from ya crazy grandpa Evan not the other way around. Hahaha that is true I was so scared too. Yeah he is all bark no bite when it comes to kids FYI he and Sofia knew you were snooping around. Wow they never said anything mama. Micah, your grandma was leaving food and clothes for you. Micah laughed that was her?  Yes son who did you think it was? Micah smiled my mother. It was working through your now grandmother.

Hahah Gabriel left the candle on the holder on the door when Micah closed the heavy white marble art deco door. Look Gabriel giggled the baby Cracker Queen you put the box on the wall Gabriel took pics. What's that for mama? To add her to the Hollings book of the dead and the scrolls silly. Thanks mama. We added Sal now Emily.

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