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Chapter 16

Gabriel was fussing over her sphinx cat on the elevator when they exited they were on the gambling floor. Chance walked up to her with sphinx babies in a basket as a guard walked her baby on her infamous diamond chain and collar. What? She had babies Gabriel. With who? Vampires tossed up laughing emojis. With a stray sphinx that Marcus found after the war your son wanted to surprise me. She grinned you been busy baby she picked up her baby off the floor rubbing her left hand rocking 18 carats in total on her wedding ring and engagement against her soft fur.

The other hand holding Niarchos' 21 carats with the matching diamond bangles from Evan on each arm. Gabriel kissed her spoiled cat. The fan's are asking if they are for sale mama. Clarence and Chance were behind her shaking their heads no making people laugh. Marcus gifted me the pups and Clarence my baby so no Myles.  Mama you have a LOT of animals at the big house AKA Gabriel's Heaven. Myles if my husbands say I can have the animals who are you? You know damn well we can't have lamb and goats and Lycan manor our carnivorous wolf family will eat them so stop Myles.

Fans laughed yes mama. Here make yaself useful and hold the babies. Diva? Yes my Queen? Come girl Elder Chance is giving us free chips. Gabriel clapped putting her baby on the floor to walk the Casino freely making Myles flash the no pets allowed sign. Mama? Yes baby? There is a no pets allowed sign over there see? Chancie? Yes Gabriel? Myles said no pets allowed. Chance grinned pop owns this casino remember I gifted it to him at your engagement party great one? This is the one? Yes great one. Why does it look different in here Chance? Pop and I did upgrades with Raven great one.

Clarence keeps me out his business you know he is kind of chauvinistic that way Chance. Yes Great one Chance winked at the camera. Clarence...yes sugar.

Gabriel smiled Clarence handed her one chip. Oh MY GOD! What is that mama? She held it to the camera Niarchos held bis chest get me the phone Carol please. Okay dad she ran and came back.

He dialed Gabriel. Honey she put it on speaker yes Nicky honey put it in your purse. No Nicky Daddy Warbucks gave it to me to gamble. Well cash it in and use half and keep the other half. The comments were on Niarchos' side. Mama your vampire and Lycan children and family is saying Elder Alpha is right. Myles laughed elder mama she wolf Winston said save her some. I will mama wolf Winston!

Gabriel that is a one billion dollar chip. I know Nicky kissing Clarence on the lips. See then you say pop does not spoil you what it this? Nicky this is us enjoying our money try it sometime I love you. Love you honey. Gabriel shook her head yall see Elder Alpha cant waste money now all of you worried if he is taking good care of lycan tax now you see right? He won't waste a dime if you paid him she giggled making lycan hearts fly.

That is why you all can live on lycan manor grounds rent free in any lycan township or property. By the way there are plenty of houses available after the war the humans vacated afraid of us. She shrugged her shoulders if I were a human and Alpha Baptiste moved next door to me I ain't going no damn where he fine as fuck. The vampresses and she wolves laughed tossing hearts and smiles Niarchos laughed with Carol mama been drinking. Yep Niarchos agreed chuckling.

Myles whispered Marcus is her favorite child. Stop saying that Myles you know Ember Fire has issues with that. Sorry mama he chuckled mouthing it's true to the fans making them laugh. I love all my children equally Myles. Yes mama shaking his head no.

Gabriel walked to the roulette table which one Guys. Roulette or let chance play poker for me? Mama they said Roulette. Roulette! Her phone rang lord what now Hayden? Hey baby. Mama 23 black. Okay having him in speaker love you. Love you too mama. That is cheating mama. No it is not Myles she is a seer hold on Destiny hey honey 23 black? Okay baby do you see Uncle Myles blaming your Grammy? Hold on Destiny. Cairo hi baby 23 black and Gypsie said the same? Okay then love you baby lord Gabriel looked at her caller I D. Who is that mama?

Malcolm Myles. Hello baby 16 red? Everyone said 23 black Malcolm. I am the master seer mama not them. Caleb sat home laughing. Okay 16 red? Yes mama. Okay. So what should I do guys go with the master seer or everyone else?

Mama? Yes Myles? 85% said go against Malcolm. But Malcolm is a master seer. Mama Malcolm despises cheating you know that right? She inhaled and exhaled confused. Clarence? Yes Sugar smoking a Cuban drinking whiskey tox Gabriel grabbed his glass sipping. What should I do? Go with your gut sugar it never leads you wrong in business.

She shook her head yes nervously.

Okay! Place all bets. Gabriel put the one billion dollar coin on 23 black
I'm sorry Malcolm. The laughing faces went up Gabriel closed her eyes I can't watch Clarence laughed sorry Clarence. Why? In case I loose.

It's okay sugar open your eyes you will tell the story of the day you bet one billion dollars on the roulette table. Gabriel held up her hands DELTON! my hands are shaking! Delton laughed in his new house with Halo and Donnell.

Did it stop daddy? Not yet Sugar it's slowing. Chance?! Not yet Great one. Call it the dealer yelled.


Gabriel fainted in Chance's arms making viewers laugh.

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