In His Image

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Chapter 17


Clarence looked down at his watch he has two and a half hours left. He held Gabriel's hand as he held his face up to the sun. Myles recorded him walking in the light as comments went wild and people called the station with threats if he were dead. Clarence's medallion melted into his skin and looked like an ancient symbol with hieroglyphics branded on his left chest. He removed his garments revealing a naked top half built torso with flat abs. His hair on his shoulders looking sexy.

Pharaoh can you explain what happened? Yes Diva apparently Queen Gabriel made an agreement with her Uncle Amin Ra who is an Egyptian Deity and the God of the sun. He created an enchanted medallion that allows the wearer to walk in the sun unharmed for three hours per day. When I jumped after the Queen the sun his the medallion burning it into my flesh allowing me to stand before my vampire children and family unharmed. They zoomed in on the new tattoo.

Great Pharaoh Diva smiled holding her heart dramatically our Queen jumped with no parachute you knew if you went after her you would perish why would you do that knowing this fact? Clarence was quiet deep in thought if Queen Gabriel dies...I am already dead. I'd rather go with her then to be without her Vampress.

Diva lost control crying hugging Clarence overwhelmed with the thought of losing him.  It's okay he chuckled consoling her while Gabriel calmed Niarchos and Chance down on three way. This is Princess Diva Baptiste live in Havana she kept crying unable to gather her thoughts.

Clarence took her mic we will be back soon he laughed wiping her eyes. Cut!  Myles yelled. Gabriel? Yes daddy? She said upset. What is wrong Sugar? Here.. she handed Clarence her phone listening to Niarchos chastise her. Niarchos Clarence called his sons name stern letting him kniw he was now on the line. My God pop are you alright?

Why were you chastising Gabriel so harshly have you lost your mind speaking to a mere woman that way? It wasn't harsh pop I--

I said it was boy, don't you ever speak with her in that tone again I don't care how afraid you are is that clear? Yes papa. Clarence hung up Gabriel cuddled in his arms sorry but you would never come outside no matter how hard I tried she whispered under hidden tears. I know he kissed her cheek lightly it is okay now yes? Umm humm. Lets go sit outside our plane we have a whole hour left. Gabriel giggled as they ran toward their private hanger heading to the next destination in the sun.

Georgia Hollings Estate Halo's House ( Elder Elijah's First House)

Raphael called Halo 23 times and 23 times she ignored his call. Ten minutes later the gate man called Princess Halo Raphael is here to see you. Send him away. She said no sir. Halo cried all weekend reading the word of good looking for a loophole to exonerate Raphael from Jehovah's wrath. The best she could do was leave him alone. Her own Guardian angel watched over her so demons would not attack her because she unknowingly dated a heavenly host.

Washington D.C.  Hollings Estate the home of Prince Malcolm Hollings.

Malcolm. What? Open your eyes. Raphael what time is it? Six am. Why are you harassing me so early? Victoria turned over ignoring her seer husband speaking aloud and no one was there she could see. Malcolm sat up grabbed his heavy taffeta robe slipped his feet into cold slippers and walked to his office to turn the heat up in his spirit and ghost counsel room.

What? Why are you being nasty Malcolm? I am tired Raphael you are my guardian Angel you should know when I am irritable due to sleep desperation. Spirits here keep popping up Cyrus has his hands full booking appointments in Georgia so I can't bring him here.

You need a spiritual assistant here too? Yes Raphael Malcolm rubbed his head and eyes. Raphael's eyes lit a white iris free glow he touched Malcolm and instantly he was refreshed. Malcolm laughed because it tickled all over. He stood running around his office what did you do Raphael? Refreshed your spirit quickened your flesh.

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