Marcus vs. Raven

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Chapter 62

Marcus walked to an angry frustrated Sky holding his son it's okay Sky. It is okay you are powerful like us Clarence went to the Elders removing thier watches. Gabriel was frozen in the door way Clarence took a pen out his pocket drawing a heart on her cheek. Safinah unfroze. She breathed laboured shocked she called papa? Shhh.... She saw that everyone was frozen. Looking outside Sky was in Marcus' arms crying she went out as Clarence went to find Justice.

Wow Sky Safinah opened her arms Sky walking in them. Look at my big boy how long have you known? About a year mama his vampire colored eyes filled with tears. The entire reservation were frozen a whole day I had no idea how to unfreeze them.

Then I calmed down like dad taught me and they unlocked. A whole day? Yes Dad. Does Raven know? Sky looked away yes but I asked him not to say dad please..understand.  Marcus walked off livid he sat twirling his sword let him calm down Sky. Can you unfreeze 1 person at a time baby? Have you tried that? No mama. Try it how abouttttt your brother Hayden you adore so much.

Sky stared at Hayden for five minutes he inhaled sharply umfreezing raising his sword and shield thinking they were under attack Sky stood in front of Safinah in case he swung by accident. Drop it baby Safinah lowering Hayden's sword hand. Look what your brother can do. Hayden walked though his brothers waving his hand in front of peoples faces. He looked in the house everything stopped moving inside WOW Sky this is an excellent power. Apparently it does not work on papa Marcus or me well not long on me Hayden.

You are Sky's makers mema and umm nothing works on papa. That is very true baby.  They watched Clarence being mischievous with everyone in the house. Why keep it a secret Sky? Dad could kill all our enemies without battle. Hayden laughed you think dad would do that? He lives to shed blood we arr warriors and there are things that are dishonorable amongst us. Dad would step into the sun before he died with any battle dishonor rumors attached to his name.

Sky laughed Dad would use your power if he had to Sky like he does us all in battle. Papa teaches us to work together using each others weaknesses as our strengths that is why you have to train. We use our powers as one brother how will you learn if you do not train. Training brings out powers you never knew you had strength you had no idea was in you.

This is a Hollings blood born prince thing no once comes between that baby bro we need our defensive training look what happened to Seven attacked in a bar by another vampire. If he had not known self defense he could have been killed.

What were you gonna do if dad was a rouge vampire and he held Sunny that way? You think he would count to five? No Hayden. No baby brother her body would drop at tour feet and you would be next. What is mama doing Hayden?

Oh taking vitals in this condition for Uncle Zion and blood samples with a blood sample stick ignore her. Papa! Help me! Clarence came down with sample tray holders and a pen helping her put a band-aid on after the sticks.

Guards too papa? Yes baby Fi thank you. Clarence sipped an open bottle of blood Dom Peringon Champaign as Fi collected blood. Papa you've had enough spirits don't you agree? Clarence smiled my wife is frozen Fi.

Hehhehe papa you're so funny she kissed her papa. 
In fourty minutes Hayden calmed Sky who unfroze everyone making him smile.

Marcus picked up Sky's sword tossing it at Raven's feet pick it up. The Elders were confused as Clarence had on an arm full of watches Chance and Micah's coven chains explaining what happened shocking everyone.

Pick it up! Oh lord Papa Nate said aloud holding Ann waiting for a good fight. Cody came down with the women. I won't fight you Marcus. Marcus spat Raven's feet because you are a fucking coward that is why.

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