Going Public (part 1)

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Long time that I've written something decent altough this is shit but yeah, there is a sort of part 2 coming two this about the article or the news that you two are public, school is over in 2 days which means that  I'll have more time to write things for you and talk and blabla idk what.

Anyways, enjoy


Tony Stark (Iron Man):

Like every other weekend in the year, and there are 52 weekends in one year, Tony would rather spend his free Friday evening with you in a club than snuggling on the couch in your apartment so when Clint told him about this new club in town, he had to go and check it out with you.

The both of you got ready, you had to spend your time on choosing a dress and he was spending time on his hair, he even took 7 minutes longer in the bathroom than you but when you were all dressed up and ready to go, you left with Tony's orange Audi to wherever the club was.

Normally there wasn't that much commotion around the clubs you went but since this one had just opened there were famous people who of course were chased around by a huge amout of press and paparazzi with cameras.

There was a little problem though, you and Tony weren't even a public couple, you were never spotted together before. So being the smart man he was, Tony had a simple solution for the problem and that was sneaking in via the back of the building.

Everything went smoothly and surprisingly well tonight: you had some drinks, danced with each other until the moment Tony dragged you to the arker side of the club where he sat you on a table and went to stand in between your legs and that's how you ended up making out right there, not remembering the paparazzi's.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye):

It was just a game for the both of you when you were bored that you would just go outside on the streets and he would try to hit things with his bow that were a little more challenging then just people. Mostly objects that were out of reach or a little bit farther away from where you were standing.

"I bet you can't hit that"

You said pointing to an object that was about 10 feet away from the both of you, Clint smirked and shook his head towards you.

"I bet I can"

He went into his standing position and he got his arrow ready and pulled back the string of the bow before releasing the string once again and causing it to shoot forward right at the point he was aiming at, it hit the objects perfectly.

"Told you so"

He said, laying his bow on the floor and coming closer to you slowly, the sassy smirk of him never fading away as he stood right in front of you. He wrapped his arms around your middle and winked at you before capturing your lips with his.

Steve Rogers (Captain America): 

You hadn't answered your phone the last few hours since you were on a plane, waiting until you arrived in New York again but Steve however was freaking out because you didn't answer. 

He knew that you were coming back today and he also knew that there was no service on a plane but still he had called you numerous times and left you plenty of messages and even voicemails where his voice was close to breaking, he sounded like he had been crying.

You walked out of the airport since he wasn't there to pick you up, so the only option was calling him or walking home and you decide to take the short walk to your shared house with him, the earbuds in your ears were covering you from other sounds so you didn't hear Steve calling for you.

Instead you felt his arms around you tightly and his face hidden in the crook of your neck, his sobbing increaed and he looked up at you with a sad smile.

"Oh Y/N, you're back, I'm sorry I just panicked because you didn't answer and I'm so so happy that you are back"

He said, spinning the two of you in a few cirles before pressing his lips against yours.

Thor Odinson (Thor):

For once your Asgardian boyfriend was wearing normal clothes and he was sitting on a chair in a small café and he was drinking his favorite drink: coffee.

He seemed to like it a lot and he still hadn't forgot about his tradition to throw it on the floor as a way to ask for another cup of coffee so his mug slowly got empty and you were only halfway into the drink.

Your eyes glued to the door when someone entered the cafe, a blonde haired woman with a small boy who was dressed as Thor. The small boy was watching Thor but you didn't want a big scene to form around Thor, god knew what would happen then.

You were about to tell Thor that he should try to be as calm and quiet as possible so he wouldn't get recogized but at the same time he threw the mug on the floor which ended in the mug smashing to pieces and him yelling for another cup.

Your reaction was to focus the attention on something else instead of Thor being Thor so you quickly cupped his cheeks in your hands and press your lips against his with a bit of roughness yet there was so much love in it.

Bruce Banner (The Hulk): 

You had to stop him from hulking out but you saw that it was getting too hard for him to just listen to the rant from your ex boyfriend whom you bumped into on the way to Stark Tower and currently he was telling things that were even too rude to be said, things about your sex life and about other things you didn't want to talk about.

The squeezing in Bruce's hand wasn't enough anymore since he was squeezing yours maybe twice as hard and his eyes were filling themselves with anger and a darker shade. Your thumb rubbed against the skin of his hand as yur ex finally stopped talking nonsense.

"We really need to go now, thanks though" 

You spoke shortly before starting to walk away from him as fast as possible but Bruce stopped you after the first few steps already. He took your hands in his which made you look up in his eyes again, he was still angry but he was starting to get calm again.

Without hesitation he pulled you towards him and locked his lips with yours.

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver):

"Can I have one please?"

He looked from his cookies at you and that's when you pouted, your puppy eyes begging Pietro for one of the cookies that he was holding even though they just came out of the store, they were almost all eaten by him. You didn't know that there was only one left though.

Pietro grinned, giving your cheek a kiss and your eyes a sweet smile before giving you the last cookie which made you feel bad that you had the last of all of them so you broke it in two and gave Pietro half of it.

He ate his half of the cookie with a smile before walking further down the streets with one of his arms wrapped loosely around your waist.

Now the both of you were pouting because the cookies were so delicious but you two had them all, Piero seemed to have an idea though as he picked you up bridal style and zoomed off to go back at the shop to get two pacages of cookies before zooming back to the place where you originally were.

Before he set you down, he planted a long, loving kiss on your lips which tasted like cookies.

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