Love is....

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A/N: Okay I'm trying to get my life on the rails again so that means continuing writing my book, I'm sorry if it's not very good but I thought about this all night so that I wouldn't forget it. Okay have a nice evening or day!

 Thank you so much for reading!



Tony Stark (Iron Man):

"Love is.... discovering the meaning of life in each others eyes"

Tony was different than most of the guys you've ever met before, at the first meeting all he thought about was going to his lab or to Bruce and do anything that had to do with science. And so he thought that the meaning of life as saving the world, going to parties and working in his lab. That changed when you reached being together for a year; of course he went to parties and worked in his lab but his life got a new meaning. You were more important than anything in the world, maybe his new meaning was just you.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye)

"Love is... a kind of heaven, only better"

Well you didn't know what heaven would feel like but, you were pretty sure that being with Clint felt better than being in heaven. Of course you would have some arguments but the happy times you shared were towering over it, Clint made you feel as if you were the most important person on the earth. He was never too rough and knew what you wanted by the look in your eyes, every morning he would make you breakfast and make dinner with you unless he was on a mission. So yes in your eyes Clint was heaven, and even better.

Steve Rogers (Captain America) 

"Love is.... when you can't hide your feelings"

Steve wasn't a big fan of showing you off to everyone of affection in public, not because others would feel weird but because he would feel uncomfortable himself. Like the time when he had to kiss Natasha, and you understood his point so you didn't mind if he only held your hand when you were out. Bucky talked some sense into him and ever since then he doesn't feel ashamed or weird to kiss you in public, it wouldn't be a make out session but it would be a sweet lasting kiss on your lips or wrapped you up in his arms. He couldn't hide it anymore.

Thor Odinson (Thor)

"Love is.... fighting for each other"

It wasn't always as easy between you and Thor, more like your family and his family. Mother against mother and father against father. His family thought your family wasn't enough for someone like Thor, your family thought that they were a bunch of weirdos. So of course there were talks about breaking up and well big arguments that you and Thor needed to hear, sometimes it even went to you and Thor but in the end those arguments were all forgotten. The  families didn't matter anymore, only you and Thor and the fight for love.

Bruce Banner (The Hulk)

"Love is...picking you up when you fall down"

Bruce had a downfall after the battle of New York, he had always been a bit of a silent and insecure man but at the moment he was more silent than anything. He barely said anything to anyone else but you, he didn't want to talk again about being the other guy as well and he wanted to forget everything as soon as possible. He had fallen down but you were there for months, helping him through and talking to him, hours of comforting him until he stood back on his feet.

James "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier)

"Love is.... seeing in you what others don't see"

Bucky was a weird man, that's what other people on the street thought. The metal arm, the dead eyes and it was frightening for strangers. Behind closed doors Bucky wasn't as he appeared to everyone else; of course he was a bit quiet and strange because of what happened before but Bucky could be a real sweetheart. He helped you bake and cook, lifted the couch when you needed to clean underneath it, make the bed in the morning and leave messages written with lipstick on the mirror. And he would comb your hair just because he was that kind of guy that only you got to see, and you were happy with that.

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)

"Love is..... right now and forever"

You almost lost Pietro once and you surely weren't going to lose him twice, you still feared for every day that was arriving to hear the news that Pietro was dead. And of course he knew that, he always tries to assure you that it wouldn't happen again but never say never. That's why you made something out of every day that you spend together; going on a holiday, getting a pet, laying in bed, watching the sky, having playtime on weird places. Anything to make memories and anything to make those memories last forever in case one of you died. When one of you died then you would have the memories forever.

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