Life ➳ Bucky Barnes

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A/N: okay I'm going to school now since my free day is over. Thanks to everyone <ho is reading this and I hope that you have a very nice day/evening and well loads of fun and stuff. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO have fun.



It's fucking one in the morning, and who in the name of sweet baby Jesus in a fucking golden cot are you, asshole?!" You shout, aiming your pistol at the man who had just broken into your apartment.

The man has long, messy hair, and scruff that's just not a beard. Dressed in long sleeves and gloves, he freezes as he takes one step around your living room.

"I said," you say, voice steely calm. "Who the hell are you?!"

"The Winter Soldier." He says simply.

The name rings a bell, and it's dangerous. But the bell doesn't ring loud enough so that your overreacting brain recognizes it. "Is that some kind of fucking street name, motherfucker? Don't mess with me, asshole, I've been trained by professionals."

You can see the man resisting the urge to laugh. "Think. I've been all over the news after Romanov spilled all of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s secrets."

"I..." You stop. "Fucking hell. You're..." You say angrily, running a hand through your hair. "Okay.""Okay?"

 The soldier asks incredulously. "Is that all you have to say?"

"Yeah." You shrug as if psychopaths in your apartment block was a normal occurrence. "I guess so. You're that dude that was after Steve. Was a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent myself. After S.H.I.E.L.D. got shut down, I was out of my job. I tried to make a good living for myself, and I have been. But I was a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, so I was bound to get attacked. So I kept my firearms in case it ever happened." You brandish your gun higher, aiming for the soldier's forehead. "And I have."

"Wait." he says, raising his arms in surrender, dropping the knife you hadn't seen in the darkness. It hits the floor, but you never break eye contact. "I just need a place to stay." he says quietly.

You purse your lips, but after being a S.H.I.E.L.D. field agent for more than 4 years, you could tell he wasn't lying. "Okay." You say, moving the gun away."But you do realize, if you were to break my trust-" you mime firing a gun with your free hand. "Boom."

The solider licks his lips tentatively. "I thought you would have called anybody left of S.H.I.E.L.D. by now." You answer with a dismissive shrug.

"Well, y'know. We're kinda the same, aren't we?" You say, a smile playing with the sides of your lips. "We're trying to shut out our past." You say, going back to your bedroom. Opening the door, you look back at the soldier. "You can sleep on the couch for tonight. I'll go get a bed or something tomorrow." And just before the door is fully closed, you poke you head out. "You got a name, or will I just have to call you Frosty?"

"James Buchanan Barnes. But it's just Bucky." he says uncertainly.

"Well, okay then. Goodnight, Bucky."

"To you too."


"Do you want to go somewhere?" You ask as he looks out wistfully through the window. The scene is beautiful-dawn is just breaking and silhouette of apartments can be seen a mile down. It's been three months with you and Bucky's happy here with you. He found out what he wants about his old life, and he's adjusting fine. But he wants to go outside. Still on the run and your house being a safe house, it was best if he stayed here but Bucky couldn't help but miss the adrenaline and action of a chase and the firing of guns. He was a man of action, born into a time where the war was at it's peak.
But if he went out, he would endanger you.
He can't allow himself to do that.
In the course of five months, you had (after a week) relaxed around him. When not verbally aggressive (you had apologized for that), you were sweet and caring, and funny (though Bucky didn't always understand how it was humorous). In the course of three months, he had developed a crush on you. Bucky didn't know if it was love, or if it was just that, but something told him it was the first conclusion that he gave himself. But since the, your life had finally been put together, and you worked as an English teacher, with students that adored you. He couldn't be selfish and ruin that for you.
"No." Bucky says shortly. He looks away and goes back to eating his breakfast. An uncomfortable silence passes, and you sigh heavily.
"Hey, Buck?"
"Do you want to see the Captain?"
Bucky looks away from his cereal to face you. "Why.. What kind of a question is that?"
"It's time to face him, Bucky. I'm know his friend, Sam. I bet I could get him to-"
"I can't." Bucky says, shaking his head. "It would put me back in danger." It would put you in danger.
"James. He's your best friend." You try to retaliate, but Bucky cuts your argument off firmly.
"No he's not. I don't want to."
"... Fine. Whatever." you dismiss the conversation, pouring yourself coffee. Finishing off your breakfast, you wave halfheartedly as you pull on your flats. "Bye, then. I'll see you."


Bucky watches you out of the corner of his eye as you walk into the apartment after work's finished; you came back quite early today for some reason, but neither of you really cared or knew why or how. "I'm sorry for this morning." He's reclining on the couch and only sits up to say that, not bothering to face you.
"Nothing to be sorry for." you snap, but you smirk, and that's how Bucky knows you didn't take it as bad as he thought you did.
"I actually do want to go outside." He says quietly.
You grin at him. "Good!" you say brightly as you put your socks away. "We'll-"
"But that would endanger you." he says, back still facing you. You shake your head. "This is your life!" You exclaim. "Go for it!"
"You are the biggest part of my life. You're the one thing I care about the most. Losing you means losing everything." Bucky says. You gasp a little, and Bucky shrivels a little as he hears the intake of breath.
Well then. He now knew that it was love.
"Do you mean that?" You ask, and he nods shiftily. You walk over to him so that you stand in front of him, perking his chin up with your hands. "Bucky?" You ask again, and Bucky finally looks at you. Faces inches away from each other's, your (color) eyes look at his down blue ones, filled with sincerity and warmth.
And your lips are way too close to his own.
Bucky swears under his breath, pulling you in for a kiss. Needy and wanting, he pushes his lips roughly on yours. Your hand slides from his chin to cup his cheek. Pulling from your standing position into his lap, you can feel Bucky smirking into the kiss. Finally breaking off, Bucky takes long, deep breaths while you do the same. "Wow. Okay. I'll take that as a yes." you say, full force of the situation hitting you hard in the chest.
"Sorry." he mumbles, not sounding sorry at all.
"Why do you keep saying that when you don't have anything to be sorry for?" you grin at him as he looks at you wide eyed, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and then pecking his lips daringly. Bucky blinks, before smiling at you, radiant as the sun. In a small matter of a few seconds, all his worries had disappeared, and now was as happy as anything, bright blue eyes sparkling as he looked at you.

"Y/N?" He asks, and you nod at him to go on. "It's time to begin again, isn't it? Start a new life like I should have a long time ago." he says as you beam at him. "I think I want to meet Steve. Apologize. And stuff." Bucky plays with your hair carefully, tucking your bangs behind your ear. "And you know what's even better about this "new" life?"
You shake your head.
"It started with you."

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