Presents under the Christmas tree

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A/N: Okay first of all; this preference sucks but I didn't know what else to write except for things that have to do with Christmas. Also I've been looking through wattpad to see that my lists are kind of popular and other people are doing them as well...



Tony Stark (Iron Man)

For you

- Shoes

- New lingerie

- Him taking 6 weeks off so that you can spend time together

For him

- A new suit

- The ultrasound of your new baby

- AC/DC cd's

Clint Barton (Hawkeye)

For you

- Hug coupons

- A sweater

- Flowers

For him

- A new bow

- A christmas breakfast

- Boardgames

Steve Rogers (Captain America)

For you

- A family picture

- Your own shield

- A necklace

For him

- Your daughter who's born on Christmas

- New shoes 

- A ring

Thor Odinson (Thor)

For you

- A red cape like his

- A coupon for the bakery

- A teddy bear

For him

- Poptarts

- Aftershave

- The same teddy bear he bought you

Bruce Banner (The Hulk)

For you

- Your favorite movies

- Self made cupcakes

- Perfume

For him

- A new lab coat

- New music

- Chocolate

James "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier)

For you

- A bracelet

- Christmas ball with a picture of both of you

- Kisses

For him

- A real santa paying a visit

- New clothes

- A christmas crystalball

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)

For you

- New shoes

- A wedding

- All your favorite movies on dvd

For him

- A picture frame with pictures of his entire life

- The best christmas ever was his real present

- Sneakers

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