You copycat his stuff

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A/N: Hi everyone, thanks for reading this even though my writing is shit once again. Sorry for just being me I guess, sorry for everything.



Tony Stark (Iron Man):

Arc reactor

You couldn't really copy it like you thought you could so you had to find another way to copy it because you liked it so much, you even wanted it to shine in the dark like with Tony. So when you were in the store for food you found a night light that looked exactly like Tony's arc reactor and of course you bought it, you happily continued shopping. When you came home, you taped the nightlight to your shirt and tried to act like Tony the entire day. Tony thought it was so cute.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye):

Arrow quiver

You loved to look like someone that really was into archery and you loved to copycat Clint, you already tried to copycat everything before so the one thing that was left was his arrow quiver. Because you didn't find it at the store, you just stole it from Clint when he was at the bathroom and carried it around on your back. When Clint was in need of arrows and found out that you had them, he just smiled and let you carry them and hand them to him while he trained, he even let you try to shoot a few times.

Steve Rogers (Captain America):


It started with you plaing with his mask/helmet (however you want to call it), it was a little bit too big but you would wear it all day and shout all over the place that you were Captain America. Because you loved it so much, Steve asked Tony to make the same as him bit a little smaller so that it would fit perfectly. You didn't suspect anything of it so when one day you wanted to play with it, you discovered that the one you were wearing was fitting perfectly and you knew what was going on then. You found Steve as fast as you could, hugged him and the both of you playing Captain America.

Thor Odinson (Thor): 


His armour was way too big on you but for some reason you thought it was nice to wear, it felt so weird on your skin and you felt like someone who fought all the time. Unlike someone else you wouldn't get up with his shirt in the morning, you would put on his armour and walk around with it until it was time to get dressed. Sometimes even after getting dressed you wore it around the tower and now really until Thor wanted it back, he didn't mind you wearing it though.

Bruce Banner (The Hulk):


"I am Bruce Banner and I'm always angry!" was the first thing that Bruce heard when he came into your shared bedroom, when he saw you pretending to do science with a pair of glasses on the bridge of your nose, he couldn't help but laugh. Of course he had his glasses with him but you found an old pair in one of the drawers and decided that those were your new glasses, you claimed yourself and him to be the "Glasses always angry" squad.

James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier): 


There was no actual reason why but you really really liked his glove, you liked his metal arm too but maybe it wasn't a good idea to copy it since he already was very scared of using it and showing it off. One night you stole his glove from where his suit was hanging in the special closet, you giggled as you wore it the next day with pride until Bucky noticed. You expected him to be angry but he just smiled sweetly and gave you a compliment, you could wear it whenever you wanted to because he thought it was sexy.

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver):


When you thought that you lost Pietro in the battle, you asked if you could have his long sleeved t-shirt and his shoes. You wanted everything actually but those two were enough to remember how you saw him, you kept them somewhere in the closet, hidden so that dust wouldn't even find its way on there. One day you couldn't handle it anymore, you were about to break down when you took his t-shirt out of the closet. Your skin felt as if they were touched by Pietro, the holes that were missing made it clear that he wasn't there anymore. Pietro himself found you like that, he was happy to see you again and you almost died of happiness, you kept the shirt though

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