How he assures that he loves you

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A/N: Sorry for my lack of finding time to write, this one is short because I am really tired and because my fingers feel really weird.



Tony Stark (Iron Man):

He is always surprising you with expensive gifts. You always tell him that you don't need him to buy you anything, but he still does. Not to show off with his money and fame, but because he thinks that is how he can prove that he loves you very much. Whether it's the dress you've been looking at for months, a beautiful bracelet, private concerts or fancy dinners, he is extravagant with showing his love for you.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye):

He surprises your with flowers, all the time. You come home from work or shopping with friends or something, and your favorite flower, (Idk what it is, fill it in yourself), is sitting right on your bed. And when you are on your period, there won't be a day where he isn't holding out a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates for you. Mostly a sweet note is attached to his romantic gesture.

Steve Rogers (Captain America):

He just tells you. He is constantly telling you that he loves you, every second of the day if he could, no matter where you are or who is around you when he says the three words that mean so much. Your friends and the other Avengers think it's a very very cheesy, how he is always saying he loves you, but the way his blue eyes sparkle when he says the words makes you feel so loved.

Thor Odinson (Thor):

 He is always kissing you wherever you are at that moment, with the other Avengers, in the middle of the store, private time, everywhere. Not lustfully or heatedly, but lovingly. He kisses your forehead, shoulders, collarbones, hands, head, neck, cheek, simply said: everywhere. The feeling of his soft lips pressing onto your skin always reminds you that he loves you, because it's such and intimate and sweet gesture.

Bruce Banner (The Hulk):

 He texts you cute and loveable texts, all night and all day, rain or shine. Most of the time about how much he misses you and loves you when he is on a mission or if you are at work. They always make you smile when you get them, even when you are on a place where you shouldn't be using your phone and you get in trouble because of it. You love it.

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver):

 He is always posting about it on social media! He posts pictures of you two kissing on Instagram, he proclaims his love for you on Twitter, and every single one of his Facebook profile pictures or updates has you in it, the only picture without you was taken before you met him. He loves to brag about you, showing you off to all of his friends and the rest of the world as well, sometimes it's a little crazy and over the top but you secretly love it.

James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier):

 He is always touching you, in public or on a private moment. His arm will be around your waist or over your shoulder or his hand is intertwined with yours, sometimes his arm linked with yours. He is very protective of you, always telling other guys to back away from you. It makes you feel safe and loved knowing that he will always protect you from anything.

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