What you do on a date

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A/N: I think I'm starting to like writing shorter things because I do not have much time to write long things anymore. So I will mostly write things like these but there are longer preferences on the way. Hope you all have a nice day.



Tony Stark (Iron Man):

Fancy dinners

Tony isn't the most romantic man in the world and thanks to never having a stable relationship before he doesn't know what to do as a romantic gesture or he doesnn't know what to do on dates. Most of the time he will send you out with Natasha and Wanda to buy you a new dress for the date that he planned. As most of the date nights he will take you to fancy and expensive restaurants where you have a 5 course meal and the best champagne they offer him. Of course he pays and takes you back to the tower where you both spend the rest of the evening together.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye):

Late night walks

You and Clint rarely go on real dates because Clint think it is too cliché and he would rather spend the night with a random walk then some planned date. At some random point during the night Clint will tell you to put on your shoes and your coat before getting ready himself, when you both are ready he will intertwine your hands and leave the tower. There is no destination when you walk around, sometimes you walk and sit somewhere, sometimes you would keep walking and watch everything in the dark. Sometimes he will go to a small cafe and you would drink something to warm up before heading back to the tower.

Steve Rogers (Captain America):


Although he wasn't a good dancer, he wanted to stay classy and take you out dancing somewhere. He even took some lessons to learn how to dance in different styles, from slow dancing to learning how people danced in this century, it wasn't easy but in the end it was worth it. Back to the date where he first took you out for some food, afterwards he drove the both of you to the place where you would go dancing. He held you close to him the entire time, looking in your eyes and kissing your lips once in a while. You went on and on until your feet hurt.

Thor Odinson (Thor):


Thor liked to bake for some reason, he liked to play with dough and the decorations and mosly eat what comes out of the oven in the end. One day he asked if you and him could try to make pop tarts instead of buying them at the store, you got the recipe from the internet and started to make them like the recipe said. You played around in the kitchen while making his favorite food, while they were in the oven you and Thor had a make out session. From now on when he comes back from a mission you make him selfmade pop tarts because they are his favorite.

Bruce Banner (The Hulk):

Going to a musuem

Most of the dates that you and Bruce had had something to do with science, if it wasn't then he would just try to talk about science and the lab or something that he was doing. You went to different places in the country when you went on dates, the car rides were always fun just like being in the museum with him. On the way back he would stop somewhere to get some food to end the date nicely.

James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier):

Movie night

Bucky didn't want to go out that much anymore ever since Hydra and his metal arm, it was like if he was scared to hurt someone or maube he thought that someone would judge him because of his looks. So Bucky and you rented some movies to watch, while you would be renting the movies he would get the popcorn and drinks and the rest ready. You would be snuggled up on the couch, his head on your lap and you would be playing with his brown hair. These dates made him happy.

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver):

Go to the biggest candy store

If there's one thing that Pietro loves except for you and Wanda it's definitely candy, he likes all kinds of candy, as long as he is allowed to eat it. So for a date he suggested going to one of the best candy stores in the world, which was the Jelly Belly Factory in California. One rule though, he had to drive you with the car instead of running you but he agreed because of his love for candy. Once you arrived he was so happy and exited, he tasted every candy and even got to make some candy himself, he even tried feeding you candy and kissing you to taste candy.  He had a stomach ache when he got home but it was worth it

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