Romantic evenings

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A/N: okay my laptop is a huge dick so I can't write most of the time and that really annoys me. Um for the rest I just wanted to say that I'll continue my other stories soon. Thanks for understanding and for staying by my side. 

Warning: This sucks



Tony Stark (Iron Man)

- A dress for you on the bed

- Dinner in your favorite restaurant

- Spending the rest of the evening on the couch with some champagne

Clint Barton (Hawkeye)

- Making dinner and dessert together

- Watching your favorite movie in his arms

- Taking a bath before bed together

Steve Rogers (Captain America)

- Going for a walk in the park

- Going to the cinema after

- Falling asleep on the couch in each other's arms

Thor Odinson (Thor)

- Getting fast food to eat at home

- Spending an hour building forts for both of you

- Giving each other silly kisses

Bruce Banner (The Hulk)

- Watching comedies on tv

- Feeding each other popcorn

- Tangled legs

Bucky Barnes (The Winter Soldier)

- Going dancing like they did in the old times

- Watching his favorite old movie

- Stargazing

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)

- Making cupcakes together

- Pillow fights and tickle fights

- Weird kissing posititions for fun

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