Dating Thor

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A/N: I was listening to Lost in the light by The Bahamas while writing this, also I think I fell in love with this picture above, he's just ahaerzg mrjagimrf erga. Anyways hopefully you enjoy this one, next one is Loki!



Dating Thor Odinson would involve

- Even after all that time you've been together, he still calls you 'My Lady'

- Listening to Thor as he tells you about his day, him doing the same to you when you are telling him about your day

- Him kissing your hand whenever he feels like it, he just loves kissing your hand or kissing your fingertips.

- Laying in the gardens in Asgard, tracing your name and patterns on Thor's chest 

- Thor getting very exited over your little cousins, playing with them all day long when they come over

- Him buying fuzzy socks for you and him because he always wondered if they felt as fuzzy as they looked

- Having Thor replying to what people on television say

- Loads of inside jokes that no one else understands

- Thor getting protective when someone gets a little too close to you

- You and Thor sharing a twitter account, spamming everyone with weird tweets

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