He makes you cry

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Tony Stark (Iron Man):

When he said he loved you

That was the first time that he ever made you cry, you were so emotional because of your bad day at work. He was just trying to make you feel better by jokes and kisses but it didn't help. Then he had to try and take a deep breath before blurting his feelings for you out in those three words. tears were running down your cheeks when he looked at you again. Happy tears this time

Clint Barton (Hawkeye)

When you were discussing a divorce

The distance was becoming too much for both of you, being away from each other when he was on a mission and you were left alone at home. It was hard to talk about it because you loved each other to death and as soon as you realized that it could have been the end of something beautiful, you started to cry your eyes out. After all, you and Clint worked everything out and found some solutions for your problems.

Steve Rogers (Captain America)

When you saw him after a year

There was a time when Steve had to leave for a long time and you had to stay home, so both of you decided to take a short break in your relationship so that you both had time to think about things. When he came home, you were playing with the dog and telling it about Steve. But as soon as you saw Steve, you couldn't hold yourself in anymore: you hugged him tightly and asked him to take you back as his girlfriend. Soon you were his girlfriend again and nights of crying yourself to sleep were over, finally.

Thor Odinson (Thor)

When he told you that you both needed a break

You both were looking outside, seeing the raindrops splash on the window. Thor let out a deep sigh and took your hand, "we shall take a break" he was so serious that you thought he wanted a break between the two of you and that's when you started to cry, you didn't want to lose him, not this way and not now. He hugged you and whispered calming words in your ear, getting something from the table with a smile. "I already booked the tickets, my lady. We are going to the United Kingdom"

Bruce Banner (The Hulk)

When the lullaby didn't work

It was just a long day where Bruce had to go on missions and you would have to come along for his lullaby, you were standing in front of the Hulk. Slowly starting to say his lullaby, with a sweet smile on your face but this time nothing happened. Your smile turned into a frown as you walked away with tears in your eyes, hours later the Avengers had to convince you to try it again. And with success because it worked again, you felt proud for achieving that once again.

James "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier)

When he hurt you

He didn't want to hurt you but something in his mind made him go back to when he was with Hydra. His metal arm went around your neck and pinned you up against a wall, tears were streaming down your face as you tried to make him stop. Then suddenly, he used his other hand to wipe your tears and carefully carry you to bed again. You said it was okay but both of you cried and cried in each other's arms for the rest of today. Crying felt good and you could start all over again the day after

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)

When he almost died

It was a normal day for you: Pietro was on a mission and you were making his favorite food for when he would come home tonight. You waited for hours and hours until you got a call from Clint, saying that you might wanted to come to the tower. And there he was, eyes closed and fighting for his life. You sat by the bed all night long, crying your heart out because you were losing him, holding his hand and telling him stories about you two and eventually you fell asleep. Only to wake up and seeing him look at you with a sweet smile

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