What he takes with him that reminds him of you

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A/N: If you did not get to see the title because it is so long: What he takes with him (on a mission), that reminds him of you.

Also there will not be a part of 'Best friends and his girlfriend hates you', I'm sorry

Thank you for reading and enjoy


Tony Stark (Iron Man):


You always have two bottles of your favorite perfume you always wear in your bathroom, one for you to use and one for Tony to take with him. When Tony has to go on a mission for a few days or longer he will always take the bottle of (your favorite perfume) with him because he likes to remember what your scent was, if he is in a hotel he will spray something on the unused pillow and smell it all night, that way he has a bit of you next to him.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye):

The special book

To other people it might seem that you and Clint are both writers of some romantic book or you both are making notes of what everyone around you says but that is not what's happening. You and Clint have a notepad where you both write things about each other or things that you did that day because Clint is so scared that he will be the one dying one day and he wants you to have something as a reminder and of course the other way around as well. When the notepad is full you will put it in a big box and start with a new notepad. On a mission he will take it with him so that he can write if it would be his last day alive, he could make a short goodbye in there.

Steve Rogers (Captain America):

A small collection of pictures

You hadn't noticed if the other Avengers didn't tell you that Steve always took something with him to remind himself of you. It gave him hope to know that inside his bag or suitcase he would be keeping a small photobook between his suit so that no one would find it, he always looked at all the pictures before he went to sleep, he would relive the memories in his head: the pictures that he kept there were mostly pictures of you and there were also pictures of you and him together. Sometimes the pictures had small but loveable captions.

Thor Odinson (Thor):

His cape

Of course he would take his cape, but he had two of them: there was one that you used as a blanket and one that he wore when he was on a mission. After a few weeks the both of you would switch again for a very simple reason, the cape he wore had now his scent and feeling on it and on the cape that you kept as a blanket had your feeling and scent on it so it would be extra nice to have it when he was away. You slept underneath the red fabric and had nice dreams, he wore it in a fight and got so much hope to come back home for you.

Bruce Banner (The Hulk):

Your favorite CD

Something about having your music with him on a mission made him calm down, he would listen it on the way to wherever he was going and he would listen it when he had some free time in his hotel room. He even listened it silently when he was trying to get some sleep, literally he would go to sleep with it and wake up with it. You always played your music at home so maybe when he could play it it felt like you would be around him singing and dancing along.

James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier):

His phone with the recorded sounds 

On his phone there were many things that could remind him of you but he had the most attention for the recorded voices in his phone, he even made a new folder that involved all of your messages to him. It went from just a greeting, to a night message, to a message to calm him down and relax. Every time he heard your voice he would be able to calm himself down and just enjoy the sound of it, every mission had its special message for every day that he would be there.

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver):

Your pillow

It would remember him of the endless memories of all the mornings that you woke up next to him, it was his favorite part of the day where nothing would be rushed and everything would sound so innocent all over again. There were so many conversations, comfortable silences, love and more that was all involved in this pillow. He took it with him on a mission and he would put the pillow next to the pillow the hotel offered him, he would pull it closer and bury his face in it. It made him happy

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