Where I've been

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I know that I haven't been updating ever since 2 weeks ago or something and I feel extremely sorry for doing that to you so I wanna explain where I've been

I met this guy on roleplay.me, we were roleplaying and suddenly he wasn't able to log in so he gave me his kik. We started to talk on kik and even on snapchat, just getting to know each other better. In the end, we got feelings for each other and started to talk all day and night. 

But he is from australia so that was a bit far away from Belgium, timezones were a bitch and we were misunderstanding each other thanks to the texts and just because it was all so hard.

Then we started skyping and calling each other multiple times a day, which led to an argument because I didn't dare to talk about my problems and he was the one that complained about the distance but we kept strong.

Now this morning, we got into an argument about me not eating breakfast and well that all went wrong there. We kinda broke up after hours of begging and short answers towards each other, we stayed friends but he said he can't do that because he cares too much about me and I just feel so fucking bad.

That's all, sorry for letting everyone down

It's all I do

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