When he wants to cuddle

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A/N: For once I was up really early and bored with wathcing spongebob on television so I guess I'll write something really short for now because I have a busy day ahead.



Tony Stark (Iron Man):

When he failed

Everyone thinks of Tony as someone that can take everything but when the outstanders would see him cuddling you that would change their opinion. Every time he failed something: either his invention, a mission or even an attempt to be romantic he will sit next to you and embrace you tightly. Mumbling about those things as you hold him tightly and let him rant or cry about his sadness, after a few hours you have both fallen asleep though.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye):

When he misses something

On missions he always misses you but when you are together he sometimes gets the feeling that he is lonely,  something is missing on that moment: what he missed could change every day, one day it was his parents and the other day it would be the house you owned. It's like a mood swing that comes and goes, you're always there to comfort him or to make him feel bettter. Clint mostly cries and grabs  your shirt while you rub his back and let him cuddle your body until it's over.

Steve Rogers (Captain America):

When he thinks of his past

The flashbacks are the worst, other than those there are the nightmares, the videos, the pictures and the people asking about it the entire time. Once a flashback ends he will be out of breath and looking at you if he's about to cry,  you only give him a sad smile in return and sit him down on the nearest seats. He will set you down on his lap and hide his face in the crook of your neck, the thoughts slowly leave his mind so after another 10 minutes of cuddling he will let you wipe his tears and watch a movie.

Thor Odinson (Thor):

Before he goes to Asgard

You've never been to Asgard before but you know that some of the days Thor goes there because he misses it, or because he has important things to do there. He refuses to leave when they don't tell him a few days in advance, those few days will be spend with you, movies, dinners, poptarts, sleeping in and him wnating your cuddles the entire time. He will be so clingy and cuddle you everywhere he can find you in the building, it's a cute sight to see you two cuddling at the toilets but even cuter all cuddled up in the bed, his lips on your forehead and your face hidden in his neck.

Bruce Banner (The Hulk):

When science isn't logical

Bruce was a good scientist but that didn't mean that science was always easy or logical, sometimes Bruce had to think of it all day and all night. Most of the times he would get it after thinking of it for a few hours but there were times that he couldn't find the solution and then he just gave up like that. He would head to the bedroom and lay on his bed until you entered the room and cuddled him until he had the hope to continue with science again.

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver):

After a fight

You wouldn't say it if you first saw him but Pietro was an emotional person whenever there happened something in his life, maybe it was because his past or because of the death that almost took him away from life. When you two fought it felt like his world was a black place again, he was afraid that he couldn't find you back or lost you. When it was a bad argument he would start tolet tears silently fall, you were always there to wrap your arms around him and tell him that everything is okay. After half an hour he thanked you with a kiss and spend the day with you.

James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier):

When his Hydra times come into his head

When you first started dating him he would have it every night, every night there would be the nightmare replaying in his head until you woke him up and made sure that there was nothing going on. The nightmares weren't often anymore but they came when Bucky was going to have a bad day, on that day he wouldn't say anything to anyone, he would just sit on a chair in the kitchen and wait for you to come and get him and have a cuddle session all day. 

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