Having kids with him involves

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A/N: Okay I quickly wrote this because I had to try and get myself happy again but it didn't really work like I hoped to. Thanks for everyone who is trying to cheer me up and sending me messages! I appreciate it.

Thanks to everyone who checked out my new book Chatting with the avengers



Tony Stark (Iron Man):

- Naming your kids Anthony & Alice Stark 

- "Little me & Baby Girl"

- Mini Iron Man suits

- Unexpected pregnancy

- Jarvis watching your children

- Them being the only ones allowed in the lab

- Godparents: Rhodey (War Machine) & Maria Hill

Clint Barton (Hawkeye):

- Their names: Maci, Levi & Ellie Barton

- Your love story as bedtime story

- Him taking care of you during your pregnancy

- Him having their names in a tattoo

- A caring father

- All three loving purple

- Archery

Steve Rogers (Captain America):

- James & Brooklyn Rogers

- Learning the kids what's good and what's bad

- Letting them play with his shield

- Having this special connection with the kids

- Bucky being godfather of both of them

- Helping them with homework

- "Daddy loves both of you James and Brooklyn, don't forget"

Thor Odinson (Thor):

- Alex, Dair, Milano, Maxime & Ayanna Thorson/Thordottir

- All of them being worthy

- Thor playing with them

- Thor not allowing to have a nickname for Ayanna like with the rest of the kids

- "Mommy is not home, let's  have poptarts for breakfast"

- Making braids because they all have that beautiful hair like their father

- Dair pretending to be Anastasia's (Loki's daughter) boyfriend

Bruce Banner (The Hulk):

- Bridget Banner

- Singing the lullaby every evening for her

- Staying up to read stories

- Another smart kid in the family

- A soft tinted green paint on her bedrooms walls

- Him buying her her favorite candy in the store

- Celebrating father's day because Bruce is a proud father

James "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier):

- Lilia, Steven and Buchanan Barnes

- Talking everyday about the little girl in between Steven and Buchanan, that you lost in your 7th month of being pregnant

- Brown hair and blue eyes

- Shy kids that stand up for the bad things in life

- "We love you daddy" when he is sad again

- Trying for a fourth kid but failing, and being comforted by your other kids

- Making forts at home and pretending to play fight

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)

- Silver and Darcy Maximoff

- "Little Pietro and Little Wanda"

- Him running around with them

- Putting them in bed and telling them their favorite story together

- Them understanding Russian

- Family bonding every weekend

- Wanda is the proud godmother and Clint godfather

Loki Laufeyson (Loki):

- Anastasia Lokidottir

- "Princess"

- Her trying to be like her daddy

- Making him the proudest man ever

- Reading books together

- Her favorite emerald green dress that she got from Loki

- Kissing her forehead when she is asleep

Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch)

- Mason and Vanya Maximoff

- Both of them having the same ability as Wanda

- A loving mother that spends all her time with you and the kids

- Having the perfect family

- Breakfast on bed with the entire family in the weekend

- "You know? We made two perfect kids"

- Pietro being godfather

Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow) 

- Natalia Romanoff

- Natalia speaking russian like her mother, which they often do when they are planning something you can't know about

- Watching disney movies until bed time arrives

- Her laying in between both of you when she has a nightmare

- Clint is the godfather

- Natalia playing with Natasha's hair

- Natasha wanting another child but you don't know if Natalia would be okay with that, maybe in the future

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