Dirty pick-up lines

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A/N: Lol i was watching The Intruder and I'm scared to go to the bathroom now, sorry for this shitty preference. 

Thanks for reading cuties!



Tony Stark (Iron Man)

"I'll treat you like my files. I'll slam you on the table and do you all night long"

You thought he was joking when he said that one evening when he was reading some files, you were playing a game on your phone. But he was serious. He threw his papers aside and started kissing your neck, soon moving to your lips and just above your breasts. Everyone stayed inside their bedrooms, grossed out by the sight of him banging you on the table.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye)

"Let's play titanic. You be the ocean and I'll go down on you"

You don't even know where he got it from but both of you were watching Titanic when he said that. Happily no one else was sitting in the living room; you were sitting in between his legs, the words whispered in your ear as if you already reached your high, the way he softly bit your earlobe made you want more. The tv was still playing in 3 hours later, but no one was watching it

Steve Rogers (Captain America)

"What are you doing tonight, besides me?"

He had asked Clint for a pick-up line that wasn't too dirty, after hours of Steve saying no to them, Clint finally found the perfect one. It was not too rude, and just at the good level of dirty talk. Steve really surprised you that night, for the first time he got a little more rough than normal, he teased you until you were begging for him to let you cum.

Thor Odinson (Thor)

"The FBI wants to steal my penis. Can I hide it inside you?"

He probably heard Tony say it, poor Thor didn't even know what the FBI was. He did know why he was saying that kind of sentence, he wanted to have a special moment with you. He was longing to feel your naked bodies pressed against each other. Myabe the pick-up line didn't work but he teased you and eventually in the morning, everyone was complaining because Thor was loud.

Loki Laufeyson (Loki)

"That outfit would look great in a crumpled heap on my bedroom floor tomorrow morning."

He made you wait all day long: after teasing you for a while, he had to leave in the morning, at noon the others were there and finally when midnight neared there was some free time. Candles were lit in the room and there were two glasses of champagne waiting for you. He looked at your dress and spoke up, using the line he found on the internet. You made love all night long.

James "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier)

"Life is like a dick. When it gets hard, Fuck it."

It's an old line he got from some friends in the past and he always seemed to remember it. It wasn't even meant in a sexual way but you were ranting about your bad day at work, he said that to try and cheer you up. What started in the attempt to make you happy, soon turned into a heated makeout session and that's how both of you ended up with tangled legs and soft moaning as he pushes himself inside of you.

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)

"I'm leaving this place ... want to cum?"

All of you were out and Pietro and Tony made a bet on who could tell the best pick-up line, Pietro didn't know which one to use. Until he looked at you, your outfit, your hair, your smile, everything about you was so sexy. He wished he could go home and have some alone time with you and that was how he got his picl-up line. He spoke it as fast as he could before picking you up and running to his room. That night was all about you, everything you wanted, as long as he could see you cum for him.

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