Dream tag

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I was tagged by Yavanna80 & VioletMischief to do this so I guess I'll just dooooooooooooo it toooo. Thanks for tagging me by the way

1. Dream pet

- Like almost every cat you see on the world, I would take them all home if I could do that

2. Dream career

- I always wanted to work in a mental hospital, blame Harley Quinn for wanting to work there. 

3.  Dream boyfriend

This sokovian extra hot, fuckboy

This sokovian extra hot, fuckboy

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4. Dream house

- The house from the movie dream house, like seriously. Plus every haunted house in the world

5. Dream family

ust me, a cute guy and the kiddies. 

6. Dream city


7. Dream vehicle 

- Audi r8

8. Dream best friend

- Someone who will cosplay and roleplay with me, make me happy and calls me an asshole????

9. Fictional character you wanna be related to

- Pietro Maximoff -------------> Wife

10. Dream hairdo

Anything but this long and fucking annoying hair

11. Last dream

Puttng a needle through a ladybug to see sparkles in the garden. 

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