After Sex

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A/N: thank you for all these reads, you are all so amazing and I hope that you still like my writing. If you don't like it htne you can say that as well, I'll try to find a solution or stop writing.



Tony Stark (Iron Man):

After sex Tony will be some kind of a different person, Tony was still Tony, so of course he will still brag about you and himself to everyone around the tower thanks to his sassy personality but it feels like all the stress he built up is gone again. He is really calm, the laboratorium, missions, meetings, everything is forgotten when he is laying on the bed next to you. He will lay next to you on the bed, the only sound in the room heavy breathing.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye):

For some reason Clint liked to be on the balcony afterwards, he cuddled for a few minutes but as soon as your eyes were closing and the satisfied smile on your face would appear he would untangle his limbs from yours before putting on his underwear and his low sweatpants. He would look at you again, giving you a kiss on your forehead or your cheek before going to the balcony and just look outside, thinking about different things. You mostly woke up, put your underwear on and his shirt before heading there as well. You would lean your head on his back  and he would let out a sigh of content.

Steve Rogers (Captain America):

Steve would be more quiet as ever after having sex with you, he wanted to say something but you left him speechless. Being the loyal man that he is, he would intertwine your fingers and lay them down where his heart was with that action wanting to say that you made his heart beat faster then with anyone else. After a while he would be ready to speak, he made you look at him before telling you that he loved you very much. You would smile and return the words before settling down in his comfortable arms.

Thor Odinson (Thor):

You would close your eyes and snuggle closer into Thor's chest, not long after you got your breath back you started to fall asleep. But then Thor decided to get you out of your slumber by asking all kinds of questions, he once asked if you were pregnant right after sex, you didn't even reply that question.  When he noticed that you stayed silent the entire time, he scooted closeer to you and wrapped his arms around you until the both of you fell asleep.

Bruce Banner (The Hulk):

The man that was always angry if we could believe his own words, he was totally not angry anymore after sex, he wouldn't even realize that he had other things to do as well. The first 10 minutes after he will spend them with you and after he would continue his work in a dreamy haze, he doesn't even hear when someone is talking to him. He looks so lost in his dreams

James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier):

He would smile lightly at you, his eyes full of love when he looked you in the eyes. Bucky wanted nothing more then to cuddle afterwards, he would wrap you in his arms and hum some tone of an old song in your ear and press light kisses to your neck from time to time with in between hours the words everyone longed to hear. The both of you were mostly in bed until the next day at 3pm or something like that.

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver):

Pietro loves to make you smile, you are the light in his dark world so he really wants you to smile for him, he adores it if the corners of your lips are curled upwards. He will sometimes tickle you but because he knows that you're a bit too tired he will tell you a corny joke or tell you funny stories about anything he can find. He will pull you on top of him so that you can lay your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat whilist he tells you stories are your favorite things in the world.

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