Text he sends you in the morning

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A/N: There's a storm here and there's no TV, and internet is slowly going down as well but I hope it will work soon though lol. Have a nice day.

I'm never able to write Bruce's good, maybe because he isn't really my favorite or idk. I'm trying htough



Tony Stark (Iron Man):

He knew that it wasn't very romantic to send something like that to you but it was the truth, Tony had to let him emotions out  since he actually dreamed of dying in a more cruel way then he told you over text because he didn't want you to worry about him. You had to admit the message was weird but the meaning was sweet

 Tony: I had a dream last night in which I died. I could see my own body floating up to the heavens above but I wasn't allowed inside, you're thinking I belong in heaven but listen to me. The guy at Heaven's gate said to me "Dude, I can't let you in. Your girlfriend will kill me if I do that" Good morning beautiful.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye):

Clint didn't even have to search for something to write, it took one look out his window into the calming morning sky before he thought of you. This was the first day that you were separated in a long time but you had to stay at your parents tonight because they missed you, so you had to miss Clint for one night.

Clint:The rising sun reminds me of your radiant face and the misty dew reminds me of your dreamy eyes. The sounds of the birds outside on the ealy morning reminds me of your giggle when I give you a morning kiss, the cool breeze reminds me of your tantalizing kisses. Good morning sweetheart! XOXO

Steve Rogers (Captain America):

He missed you loads now that he had been on a mission for almost 3 months, not being with you was taking its toll on the mission. He could not focus on anything except for going hime and being with you, he wanted to go back to New York and cuddle you, fall asleep and wake up next to you again. Steve couldn't continue for much longer

 Steve: I am tired of having to dream about you every night, I want to have you by my side again so I can see you again, hear you laugh and tell you that I love you more than anything in the world. I am sick of waking up every morning and texting you, now I want to spend my mornings cuddling with you. I don't want to be on this mission anymore.... Good morning darling.  

Thor Odinson (Thor): 

He had to leave for Asgard for only a week, Thor didn't realize it but maybe it was good to have some time so that he could think about how much you meant to him. His thoughts were busy during the day but he missed you the most when he went to sleep and in the mornings where he was used to you cuddled into his chest, the bed was cold and he was alone. Just like you

 Thor: You are the pulse that throbs in my veins, you are the antidote that frees me of all pains in my life. You are the steady rhythm of my heartbeat and the fast rythm when you are here with me. I am sorry that I left for Asgard, I will be back soon my lady. Because without you my life I am feeling incomplete. Good morning My Lady.  

Bruce Banner (The Hulk):

He wanted some time alone, you don't know why but you gave him some time alone. It probably was going on because he acidentally hurt you hile being the other guy, knowingly Bruce he was beating himself up over it. 3 days after his alone time you woke up to a message from Bruce

Bruce: It takes just one second to think about you in the morning, you are always on my mind, night and day, but the smile on my face lasts throughout the day when I remember your beautiful face, your cute laugh and the way you love me like no one else does. Good morning.  

James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier):

Bucky still had a hard time expressing his feelings for you, sometimes he could get so insecure that he slept in a different bed just as tonight. You spend a perfect day together but he got insecure before you went to sleep, he had been thinking about it all night, he could imagine the loook on your face as he thought you would be disappointed. He send you the sweetest morning text ever

Bucky: Begin your day with a charming smile, begin your day with a while. I just want to come and hug you tight, I want to embrace . The first thing in the morning I think about you, I love you! Thinking about you I start my day, good morning my girl for today!! 

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver):

Every day was something new for Pietro, every day was different for his feelings. There were grey days, black days and white days that each represented his feelings. Most of the time it was white, it rarely went as far as black and he was glad for that because it was all thanks to you. You were like a gift from heaven, you were his forever. 

Pietro:Each morning is new for me, I live the biggest truth of life. That I am still yours forever, That you are mine for the time. Mornings seem pleasant with this thought, Of all the emotions and wishes to sought. Good morning my girl, Have a lovely day!

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