Matching tattoos

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A/N: Another short preference, when I have more time than this I will try to write longer series again. Well going to school right now so I'll see you after that.




Tony Stark (Iron Man):

The both of you wanted to get something so that there was always something that you had about each other, he was the first one that stole your heart and this was the first time that he felt that he needed to protect you so you got a lock on your underarm whilist he sad a key inked there as well. He traced your tattoo with his index finger all the time.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye):

Clint was there again with his fear for the death, he just feared one of you both leaving the other one behind, he wanted a reminder of you. He also wanted something that reminded him of archery in case he ever stopped with doing his job, so the both of you got an archery tattoo: he had the bow on the side of his index finger and you had the arrow at the same place, you could place it as if you were going to shoot.

Steve Rogers (Captain America):

Steve didn't want anything major as tattoo but you wanted something that meant a lot to you but to Steve as well, you thought about the first letter of each other's name but then he saw the roman numerals and had a good idea. Ever since the day after Christmas was now the date that you met each other on your and his wrist in roman numerals.

Thor Odinson (Thor):

Being a God he didn't want something that got everyone's attention so that meant that it was somewhere where only the both of you would look, he was the one with the idea of having one since he saw someone on the street with a bunch of tattoos. You took him to the tattoo shop and he chose for a crown, he got the crown that looked more manly and you got the most beautiful one. Both on your shoulderblade

Bruce Banenr (The Hulk):

It wasn't anything major when Tony gave you both a present by sending the two of you out to get matching tattoos,  you both agreed and the same day you wen there. It didn't take long before he found the tattoo that he wanted, he wanted to have a sun of the side of his wrist and you would take the moon on the same place.

James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier):

Bucky didn't really want to get a tattoo since laying there would probably remind him of all the brainashing from the past but that didn't mean that you couldn't get a tattoo. To support him and because you knew it would make him feel a little bit better, you decided to go for a star without the red color. He was actually really proud of you for doing it and you were happy that it made him happy. 

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver):

You thought that you had lost Pietro so you asked Dr. Cho if you could get a picture from his heartbeat when he was with you and the heartbeat from the moment when he died. One day you went to the tattoo shop and asked to combinate the heartbeats into one and when it ended half a heart nex to it, when you were done someone suddenly came in and asked for his girlfriend's heartbeat on his wrist. You knew the accent because it was Pietro's and after a lot of hugging and crying he got your heartbeat on his wrist with half a heart next to it. Connected forever

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