Cold ➳ Clint Barton

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A/N: THIS GIF IS SO FUCKING HOT!!!! Okay I'm actually having a Clint day today so that's gonna be all I wanna do today, think about Clint and lol. Anyways hope you're enjoying your day, thank you for reading



You snickered, tucking your hair behind your ear as you crouched, your breath escaping you in clouds of white.

"Ha-ha, very funny (Y/N)," Clint muttered dryly over the Bluetooth in your ear, and you could just tell that he'd rolled his eyes.

"Love you," You sang quietly, eyes peeled for any inconsistencies in the frost covered field that lay before you.

"But seriously," He drawled. "You should get to work. It's pretty dangerous out there, you shouldn't be distracted."

"Who says I'm distracted?" You scoffed, eye roving over the darkened hills. A steel grey sky loomed above you, the cold nip of the wind promising snow. In all honesty, it was rather beautiful out, although the way the harsh wind bit at your skin was rather bothersome.

"You warm enough?" You heard him ask, and you realized your teeth were chattering.

"Uh, kinda," You managed, struggling to quiet them down. "I'm trying. It's a little chilly out here."

"It's minus nineteen (Y/N)."

"Yeah," You grinned. "A little chilly." You winced as a sharp wind tugged on the jacket you'd wrapped around yourself, your fingers tightening around the rifle in your hands. You were supposed to shoot down anyone who got too close to the operation some kilometers behind you, but you'd seen nothing yet, save for the odd animal that meandered across the deserted farmland.

"There's nothing out here Clint," You whispered, eyes snapping up towards the sky. It was starting to snow, small dots of white dusting the ground. "How much longer do I have? I didn't dress warm enough for this crap."

"Uh-" There was a pause, and you heard the rustling of gear before he answered you. "About an hour."

An hour?! Oh for Christ's sake. "Shit, really?" You groaned, dropping back onto your rear, your legs aching from having been crouching too long. Your joints were stiff and your muscles ached. You'd been out here for three hours already and all you'd done was stare at a field. You were one sniper with acres of forest surrounding you and this one empty field. Did they honestly think anything was going to-

Movement on the far right side of the field had you lurching forward, your breath caught in your throat. "Shut it!" You snapped, and Clint's muttering's in the background ceased. Was that-?

"There's someone here," You whispered, and you heard Clint moving.

"One or more?" He demanded, voice suddenly serious.

"I think just one-" You paused, and suddenly multiple figures came into view. Cursing, you crawled forward, making sure you remained hidden as you adjusted your scope. "There's about four or five. All male."

"Do they appear to be posing a threat?"

Well, a rifle and bag of ammo was definitely a threat. "Yes," You answered curtly, eye narrowed as you peered through the scope. "I think I can I take them out."

"Alright, make it quick."

You nodded to yourself, struggling to keep your breathing level. You hated killing people, hate-hate-hated it. It didn't matter if they were good or bad, it still weighed heavily on your conscience. But this was your job and unless you wanted the good guys to lose-

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