His hands....

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A/N: Okay I just felt like writing this preference, finally a list again. Well thank you for reading this book and thanks for all the reads. Hopefully you all have a super nice day/morning/evening

Warning: THIS SUCKS.



Tony Stark (Iron Man)

- His hands going under your shirt when he wants to wake you up

- His hands on your waist to tell everyone that you're his

- His hands cupping your cheeks before he kisses you

Clint Barton (Hawkeye)

- His hands on top of yours so he can learn you how to work with bow and arrow

- His hands to pulls you closer at night

- His hands to guide you through everytime he takes you out for a surprise

Steve Rogers (Captain America)

- His hands on your stomach as he looks at your baby bump

- His hands covering your eyes before he shows you the house he bought for you two

- His fingers his name on your naked back

Thor Odinson (Thor)

- His hands wanting to take the same pack of pop tarts as you

- His hands helping you to pick the hammer up

- His hands moving up and down on your arms to make you feel better

Bruce Banner (The hulk)

- His hands pulling you back when you wanted to leave the bed

- His hand and fingers sliding the engagement ring on your finger

- His hand for you to hold tightly in hard times

James "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier)

- His hand to hold onto yours at night

- His hands and fingertips stroking your skin when he can't sleep, letting him know that you're real

- His metal arm stroking your hair

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)

- His hands to pull you closer in bed

- His hands tickling you everywhere when he wants to make you smile

- His hands kneading your hair softly as you take baths and showers together

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