Fixing the downhill

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A/N: Okay I'm back into my depressed status, I can't stop reading things about self harm and suicide but I'm trying to work through it. Sorry....



Tony Stark (Iron Man)

After a few days he realized the cheating prank wasn't a good idea, he could easily imagine how much it would affect him if you did that to him. He didn't want to know what would happen if you really cheated on him as payback, although you wouldn't do that. Tony was thinking of a way to make you happy with him again, he ignored you without knowing it because he wanted it to be huge and perfect. He asked Steve for help, so the new plan was just taking you out to a simple restaurant as a surprise. That evening everything went smooth, you talked everything out and well in the end he still bought you an expensive diamond necklace.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye)

The first night when he was home again, you let him talk. The entire evening he was sitting on the other side of the couch while he was telling you everything about the mission, the nods and hums for answers couldn't shut him up. The days after that were even harder, you got up during the night and slept on the couch and you didn't make breakfast for him anymore so of course Clint started to notice that something was wrong. After the first week the both of you were laying in bed, unable to sleep so there were talks until the sun was rising again. Finally everything was fixes between the both of you, and you couldn't be happier to have Clint back at home with you.

Steve Rogers (Captain America)

A month after the break up Steve finally caught up with himself, he didn't see himself when he looked into the mirror. He wasn't the Steve Rogers that he was before and now he could understand why you two broke up, but he knew that he wanted you back for sure. Steve changed again: he went back to being the man you fell in love with and asked you out on a date after that. Both of you went dancing and out for a small but cozy dinner, laughing and being happy together the entire time. When the end of the evening neared you decided to forgive him before sharing a long and passionate kiss with him in front of everyone else.

Thor Odinson (Thor)

You had moved back to your parents house again, they were the ones that got all of your clothes backfrom the tower to your childhood house. And your parents were the ones that opened the door when Thor was standing in front of it, his hands folded together when he started to beg your parents to let him see you. Surprisingly they let Thor inside and up to your bedroom, you were silently asleep but woken up when he laid down next to you. "Sssh my lady, do not cry. We will get through" he comforted you with that sentence all night long until you fell asleep. Next day he moved all your stuff back to the tower and invited both of your parents, in the end they had a good conversation and everything was fine.

Bruce Banner (The Hulk)

You caught him crying in the bathroom, the shower water was running but he was leaning on the sink with his hands over his face. Your mind never went into thinking mode because you just hugged him from behind and started to cry as well: mad tears, happy tears and sad tears were all pouring down your cheeks. You forgave him right away, you didn't need any words for him because you already understood what he wanted to say. It took an hour before he got up and carried you to bed, pulling up the covers and wrapping his arms around you. Everything was okay.

James "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier)

You never left him, you didn't even break up with him but it just changed a lot. Your sweet actions stopped him: comforting him after a nightmare or making him sweet notes before you had to go to work. And Bucky noticed that, he also understood why you were being like that, he understood and he accepted it with sadness in his heart. Bucky had to fix it, and he tried to do the same you did to him. It was him that took care of you for the next few days, making you dinner and holding you close at night. That's when his walls started to come down and when he started to be himself, he even talked to you about anything. That's all it took for you to go back to the happy times you started at.

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)

2 days later he came back from a mission, he got shot which ended in you getting in an accident when you were too stressed to notice the car that was almost hitting you. He carried you home, he made you food, he tucked you in at night without any problems. The talk about divorcing was long forgotten but there was a huge conversation about going on missions and how to cope with missing each other. Everything was worked out. He sat in bed with you while you threw up or when you forgot things because of the small brain damage you had, he protected you from the memories of the fights and the car accident. Pietro was there, like he promised. 

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