Attempting something girly

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Thanks for 3K reads, all the votes and the comments. Those really make my day and you are all so so so so so so so so so amazing.

Enjoy, this is short but yeah.

SHOULD I ADD BUCKYYYYYY???????? idk why in capital letters sorry


Tony Stark (Iron Man):

Putting makeup on

Tony had seen you whilist you did it: eyeliner, mascara, eyeshadow, blush, lipstick and more so after a while he convinced you to let him do your makeup. Since boys didn't have that much of brains to understand what was what, he decided that the mascara was for shaping your eyebrows and eyeliner became lipliner in his eyes. When he was done he was pouting because it wasn't pretty enough but it was all sealed with a kiss

Clint Barton (Hawkeye):

Braiding your hair

Clint had nothing to do one day so you stayed home and whilist you were watching the television he started playing with your hair. First he was running his fingers through it but then he was organizing your locks and braiding them together in one without noticing what he was actually doing. When he looked up he thought that he made a knot but after you told him that it was good, he felt proud.

Steve Rogers (Captain America):

Painting your nails

He was mesmerized by the beautiful colors of the nail polish in the store so he bought the color he knew that you both liked. When he came home he showed you and asked you with his puppy eyes if he could paint your nails because he really really wanted to so you let him paint your fingernails. He had never done it before so his hand wasn't steady but when it was dry you were so happy and he was also so happy and you both were happy and showed the rest of the Avengers.

Thor Odinson (Thor):

Writing love letters

You had told him a story about the love letter that you had written for your old crush when you were a kid, he didn't understand so you let him have a paper and a pen. You told him to write something for you that involved his feelings for you so he grabbed the pen and after breaking the pen twice he finally wrote a sweet text for you.

'Um hi love letter, oh no this was hi Y/N.


Dear Lady Y/N,

I write this letter as a sign of my greatest love for you my beautiful midgardian angel.

You are perfect in every possible way, the way your eyes sparkle in the moonlight makes my life better. Your sweet laughter when I tell you one of my jokes, life could not be better.

I adore you and I will forever and always love you with all of my heart.



Bruce Banner (The Hulk):

A day at the spa

It was normally something that you would do with your best friends or even your mother but when Bruce was overstressed you tried to get him out but he didn't want to go far away, instead you booked a nice day at the spa with massages, sauna, a pool and some other things. At the end of the day you came home super relaxed and the day after Bruce 'accidentally' overslept but secretly he just had a nice morning with you.

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver):

Dying your hair

You had been challenged by all the other Avengers to dye your hair in the same color as Pietro's and of course he wanted to help you with that like the helpful guy he was. He washed your hair, dyed it and waited 30 minutes, those minutes he was bored and tried to make a hickey in your neck but it tasted like the coloring shampoo. That was until he could wash the color out, when your hair was dry he was very proud to show everyone that his girlfriend had the same hair color.

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