Best friends and his girlfriend hates you (part 2)

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A/N: Thank you to Yavanna80   for giving me the idea to kick someone's ass, I hope that it really worked out well but sorry if you don't like it, I'm not a good writer so...

SORRY THAT THIS REALLY SUCKS, I'm just having the worst day of my life

Have a nice day!


Tony Stark (Iron Man):

Your suitcase stood next to you as you were about to leave the place, after the moment where Pepper kissed him while oyu were watching you decided to walk out on them and get your bags to go to New York. When you arrived in New York you would move out the tower and live in your old apartment again.

Tony was sitting in the hotel room and finally realized that Pepper had been a bitch towards you, he didn't want a girlfriend that hated his best friend like Pepper did. Now that he thought about it: Pepper hates almost everyone, all of his friends except for the time that she called Agent Coulson, Phil. Maybe she cheated on him.

He looked over at Pepper who was buying things online with his credit card, she didn't care about anything but his money and his fame. 

"I'm breaking up with you!"

Tony stated looking at his now ex-girlfriend, she dropped his credit card on the floor and stared at him with wide eyes. She didn't look sad or disappointed, not even shocked, rage was the only emotion in her eyes as she suddenly grabbed a filled bag from under the bed. A small smirk on her face as she inched closer to Tony.

Her lips came closer to his ear as she harshly bit the earlobe: "you're going to regret choosing for that bitch!"

Clint Barton (Hawkeye):

You were finally back from the mission, it had been a few weeks since the incident and you were happy to be back but the other side of your heart didn't want to know what would happen in the triangle between you, Clint and Laura. You wondered what happened to them after the argument, did they break up? Did he give in to her choice? 

Tony and Natasha told you that Clint and Laura were having fights but they were trying to work it out by having time together all day long: they went on dates, even had a vacation in France but they kept fighting. They weren't going to last were Natasha's words the last time you talked to her.

Walking past the room that belonged to Clint, you heard his voice overpowering a woman's voice which was probably Laura. They were having an argument about you again, she was complaining that you were practically married to Clint, he was saying that she was overreacting again like she always did.

As soon as you heard the doorknob being turned, you walked a little bit further into the hallway but it wasn't impossible to hear them yelling at each other again. After a minute of silence you heard Clint take the lead of the word.

"You bitched my best friend, go fuck yourself"

Steve Rogers (Captain America):

They walked to the car hand in hand to avoid people making things up, although if people said the couple was fighting, then they wouldn't be lying at all. But as soon as they both got in the car, the couple war had been started.

Everything at once made Steve mad, todya had been one of the worst days of his life if it was about friendship and love: Jessica not liking you and admitting it, his hopes that you would be there alone, seeing you with Clint. 

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