Movie you watch together

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A/N: No one likes my story anymore probably so this will be the last part of it and then I will delete it. Bye


Tony Stark (Iron Man):

The shining

You had read the book written by Stephen King before and wondered what the movie was like, you had been asking everyone what their review of the movie was but no one saw the movie so that left you to find out yourself. You were a little scared to watch the movie alone so you and Tony planned an entire day to yourelves: no work, no lab and you were loving it until the first look of the movie came on. Tony let you hide in his arms through the entire movie, it wasn't that scary but you were very comfortable there.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye):


It was your third date when you went to see that movie in the cinema, it wasn't even your intention because you and Clint wanted to go and see a scary movie but you ended up with the wrong movie. Blood was replaced by feelings and computer animation. The both of you enjoyed the movie though and now when the two of you have a movie marathon the one movie that will always be on replay is Up, there's something about the movie that tells you and Clint not to let go of each other.

Steve Rogers (Captain America):


Since Steve missed out on so much in his life, he of course missed what was probably the best movie that was ever made according to so many people. It was a romantic night for you and Steve on your 9 month anniversary, because of the unexpected rain Steve couldn't take you to the beach like he planned to. You changed plans, dressed comfortable and ordered some take out before getting a stack of movies ready. You two had been in each other's arms but when Titanic was reaching his climax the both of you started to cry and cling to each other like never before, Steve kept thinking to himself that it wouldn't happen to you or him ever.

Thor Odinson (Thor):

Dream House

Thor had a different thought of what genre the movie would be, into his mind it played that this would be a nice movie about something like pony's because it was someone's dream house, and a dream house was something in your dreams right? Well Thor guessed wrong because the movie was the opposite, he wasn't scared but still every time there was something he didn't expect he held one of his hands in front of his eyes and the other hand in front of your eyes. It wasn't scary, he was just shocked

James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier):

Big Hero 6

You knew that an action or horror movie would give Bucky nightmares, everything that scared him would be a nightmare once you were in bed. He would be tossing and turning, sometimes endless nightmares, sometime not being able to sleep because he heard something and wanted to protect you but while watching Big Hero 6 he smiled from the minute he saw Baymax appear on the screen, he was laughing with the funny moments and totallly understood the message the movie gave away. It became his favorite movie.

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver):

Beautiful Creatures

Something about the movie related to Pietro and you somehow, you weren't a magican, Pietro wasn't either but it was just the relationship that Lena and Ethan had together, at first forbidden to be together but not being able to stay away from each other. He was fast and you were just a normal person like almost everyone else on this earth. It was a movie that you could watch anytime, it was his favorite an that way became your favorite as well. 

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