Valentine's day

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A/N: Okay I feel as if I just started writing for the first time all over again thanks to the new username and stuff. Also I've been thinking that this media allows me to make visual preferences.



Tony Stark (Iron Man)

- Tony dropping everything to be with you

- Going out for dinner

- A ring (because he proposed on Valentine's day)

Clint Barton (Hawkeye)

- Going on a date in the park

- Loads of cheek kisses during the day

- Cuddling while watching the movie you both love

Steve Rogers (Captain America)

- Spending the day in Brooklyn

- Going out for food and the cinema after

- Losing your v-card to him

Thor Odinson (Thor)

- Going to the pet store to buy a dog

- Him not knowing what Valentine's day is but he tries to celebrate it too

- Making pop tarts together to eat them while watching Netflix

Bruce Banner (The Hulk)

- A date to the zoo

- Pillow fights and tickling each other in bed

- Telling each other how much you love the other

James "Bucky" Barnes (The Winter Soldier)

- You taking him dancing like they did in the old times

- Sitting in the cinema, feeding each other popcorn

- Making cards for each other

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver) 

- Making chocolate with him

- Racing, but letting you win because he wants you to be happy

- Snuggling in bed, just watching each other with a smile 

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